The Wingmen
The Wingmen is a mocumentary web-series created by the Lark the Beard Comedy Troupe. It tells the story of a group of young men and the rising popularity of their radio talk show. After an unfortunate turn of events leads to the cancellation of their show, they are forced to start up a shifty dating service to pay off their FCC fine.

The premise of the show was inspired by real events after the Lark the Beard troupe was kicked off of their comedy radio program "We is Radio" at KVRX 91.7 FM in Austin, Texas.

The show was honored in the 2008 South by Southwest Greenlight Awards which featured the best up and coming web-series of the year. The Wingmen were also "Best Comedy" finalists in the 2008 and 2009 CBI competition and received an Audience Choice Nomination in the 2009 Streamy Awards
Streamy Awards
The Streamy Awards, popularly known as the Streamys, are presented annually by the International Academy of Web Television to recognize excellence in the arts and science of web television production, including directing, acting, producing, and writing. The formal ceremony at which the awards are...

 by the International Academy of Web Television
International Academy of Web Television
The International Academy of Web Television was founded in 2008 and is devoted to the advancement of the arts and sciences of web television production. In 2009, the IAWTV held the first Streamy Awards ceremony, an annual event created to recognize excellence in web television production. The...


Besides the official website the show can also be seen on KVR-TV in Austin, Texas.

External links

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