The Survivor and Others
The Survivor and Others is a collection of fantasy and horror
Horror fiction
Horror fiction also Horror fantasy is a philosophy of literature, which is intended to, or has the capacity to frighten its readers, inducing feelings of horror and terror. It creates an eerie atmosphere. Horror can be either supernatural or non-supernatural...

 short stories
Short Stories
Short Stories may refer to:*A plural for Short story*Short Stories , an American pulp magazine published from 1890-1959*Short Stories, a 1954 collection by O. E...

 by August Derleth
August Derleth
August William Derleth was an American writer and anthologist. Though best remembered as the first publisher of the writings of H. P...

, inspired by some of H. P. Lovecraft
H. P. Lovecraft
Howard Phillips Lovecraft --often credited as H.P. Lovecraft — was an American author of horror, fantasy and science fiction, especially the subgenre known as weird fiction....

's notes left behind after his death. Derleth, Lovecraft's literary executor
Literary executor
A literary executor is a person with decision-making power in respect of a literary estate. According to Wills, Administration and Taxation: a practical guide "A will may appoint different executors to deal with different parts of the estate...

 billed himself as a "posthumous collaborator" with the other writer. It was released in an edition of 2,096 copies. It was reissued in paperback by Ballantine Books
Ballantine Books
Ballantine Books is a major book publisher located in the United States, founded in 1952 by Ian Ballantine with his wife, Betty Ballantine. It was acquired by Random House in 1973, which in turn was acquired by Bertelsmann AG in 1998 and remains part of that company today. Ballantine's logo is a...

 in 1962 and 1971.

All of the stories, written after Lovecraft's death in 1937, were completed by Derleth from Lovecraft's notes or outlines.


The Survivor and Others contains the following tales:
  1. "The Survivor" (Weird Tales
    Weird Tales
    Weird Tales is an American fantasy and horror fiction pulp magazine first published in March 1923. It ceased its original run in September 1954, after 279 issues, but has since been revived. The magazine was set up in Chicago by J. C. Henneberger, an ex-journalist with a taste for the macabre....

  2. "Wentworth's Day"
  3. "The Peabody Heritage"
  4. "The Gable Window" (Saturn 1957)
  5. "The Ancestor"
  6. "The Shadow Out of Space"
  7. "The Lamp of Alhazred"

Except as noted, the stories were original to this volume. "The Gable Window" was originally published under the title "The Murky Glass".


Anthony Boucher
Anthony Boucher
Anthony Boucher was an American science fiction editor and author of mystery novels and short stories. He was particularly influential as an editor. Between 1942 and 1947 he acted as reviewer of mostly mystery fiction for the San Francisco Chronicle...

 noted wryly that "I can't help feeling that H.P.L. knew very well what he was doing when he left the outlines uncompleted," although he excepted "The Lamp of Alhazred," where "with a flash of inspiration" Derleth introduced Lovecraft as a character and produced "a warmly moving tribute." Avram Davidson
Avram Davidson
Avram Davidson was an American writer of fantasy fiction, science fiction, and crime fiction, as well as the author of many stories that do not fit into a genre niche...

 concluded that Derleth "does his best to conjure up the late master's prose from its essential salts, but he doesn't make it . . . because he is as sane as they come, and Lovecraft was as nutty as a five-dollar fruitcake."

Everett F. Bleiler
Everett F. Bleiler
Everett Franklin Bleiler was an editor, bibliographer, and scholar of science fiction, detective fiction, and fantasy literature. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, he co-edited the first "year's best" series of science fiction anthologies, and his Checklist of Fantastic Literature has been called...

, noting that several of these pastiches were modeled on published Lovecraft stories, found all were "routine" except the "much more interesting "The Lamp of Alhazred".
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