The Reputable Family
"The Reputable Family" drama revolves around the Choe clan of Gyeongju,as they had to overcome obstacles and hardship after the death of their head leader,Choe Jinlip during the Qing-Joseon war,which ended in humiliating defeat for Joseon.Later,his grandson,Gukseon vows to reclaim the honor of his clan,and observed the hardship and obstacle while in Hanyang (present-day Seoul) and his hometown,Gyeongju.Most of the scenes in this drama were filmed at Korean Folk Village
Korean Folk Village
Korean Folk Village is a living museum type of tourist attraction in the city of Yongin, a satellite city in the Seoul Metropolitan Area in the province of Gyeonggi in South Korea....

in Seoul.


At the time of war, in 1636, Choe Jinlip donates his fortune to a crowd of refugees out of generosity when they flood into his quiet village. Choe Gukseon is unhappy with his grandfather being too generous with poor people. Man-gap, one of the refugees, and Kim Manbae, Jinlip’s tenant, bear grudge against Gukseon over his arrogance. When being appointed to a higher post in Gongju, Jinlip sets his slaves free and lets them share his land. Before leaving for Gongju, Jinlip leaves his grandson a word of great significance saying “People are the most valuable asset in the world...' The whole world what Gukseon believed to revolve around him seems to change. Manbae’s father, Kim Jachun buys the land Choe Jinlip gave to his slaves for free. A group of refugees led by Gilman takes a commission from Jachun. After witnessing all the changes, Gukseon comes to realize what his grandfather tried to say. Gukseon leaves for Hanyang to stand on his own feet once he learns the family’s decision to put him up for adoption to an affluent family. Gukseon happens to settle down at Jang Giltaek’s place where he comes to realize the power of wealth. Aside from Jang’s ability to accumulate fortune, Gukseon sees his cruel side when it comes to making money. Guk-sun feels confused finding a proper answer to the question, “Would it be the right way to live caring only about one’s gain while neglecting the poor?” Jang Giltaek and Yu Hyeongwon order Gukseon to reclaim barren land in Gyeongju province by giving him a book named “Nongsajikseol"(The Agricultural Techniques). Gukseon borrows seed money from the government office to start his reclamation work in Gyeongju. He gathers villagers and introduces performance-related pay which results in a huge success. Kim Jachun and Manbae start to get nervous about Gukseon’s success.


  • Cha In Pyo as Choe Gukseon
  • Yeo Jin Goo as Gukseon (child)
  • Han Go Eun as Han Dan Yi
  • Moon Ga Young as Dan Yi (child)
  • Kim Sung Min as Kim Wonil (Kim Jachun's son)
  • No Young Hak as Wonil (child)
  • Lee Hui Do as Kim Jachun (Wonil's father)
  • Jung Dong Hwan as Jang Giltaek
  • Kim Myung soo as Kim Soo Man
  • Kim Young Chul as Choe Jinlip
  • Choi Il Hwa as Choe Dongryang (Gukseon's Father)
  • Ahn Hae Sook as Dongryang's wife
  • Ahn Jung Hoon as Bandol
  • Jang Soon Gook as Ok Dong
  • Lee Han Soo as Sangnam
  • Jung Han Hun as Shim Wongyo
  • Choi Jong Won as Choi Won Young
  • Go Jung Min as Lady Jung
  • Kim Sun Hwa as Jachun's wife
  • Kim Duk Hyun as Lee Seobang
  • Kim Hye Jung as woman from Yeongsan

External links

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