The Blue Juniata
"The Blue Juniata" is a popular song written by Marion Dix Sullivan in 1841. It was one of the most popular parlor songs of the Nineteenth Century, and the first commercially successful song written by an American woman.

In "The Blue Juniata", bright Alfarata, the Indian girl, sings the praises of her warrior while she travels along the Juniata River
Juniata River
The Juniata River is a tributary of the Susquehanna River, approximately long, in central Pennsylvania in the United States. The river is considered scenic along much of its route, having a broad and shallow course passing through several mountain ridges and steeply-lined water gaps...



"The Blue Juniata" as first published:
Wild roved an Indian girl,
Bright Alfarata,
Where sweep the waters
Of the blue Juniata!
Swift as an antelope
Through the forest going,
Loose were her jetty locks,
In many tresses flowing.

Gay was the mountain song
Of bright Alfarata,
Where sweep the waters
Of the blue Juniata.
"Strong and true my arrows are,
In my painted quiver,
Swift goes my light canoe
Adown the rapid river.

"Bold is my warrior good,
The love of Alfarata,
Proud waves his snowy plume
Along the Juniata.
Soft and low he speaks to me,
And then, his war-cry sounding,
Rings his voice in thunder loud,
From height to height resounding."

So sang the Indian girl,
Bright Alfarata,
Where sweep the waters
Of the blue Juniata.
Fleeting years have borne away
The voice of Alfarata;
Still sweeps the river on—
Blue Juniata!
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