The Black Bouquet
The Black Bouquet is a Fantasy novel by Richard Lee Byers
Richard Lee Byers
-Biography:Richard Lee Byers holds a Master's degree in Psychology. A resident of the Tampa Bay area, he worked in an emergency psychiatric facility for over a decade, then left the mental health field to become a writer. He is also a fencing and poker enthusiast. He is the author of over thirty...

, set in the Forgotten Realms
Forgotten Realms
The Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Commonly referred to by players and game designers alike as "The Realms", it was created by game designer Ed Greenwood around 1967 as a setting for his childhood stories...

 fictional universe
Fictional universe
A fictional universe is a self-consistent fictional setting with elements that differ from the real world. It may also be called an imagined, constructed or fictional realm ....


Plot summary

A rogue becomes involved in a game where he thought no one would get hurt, trusting a tanarukk bandit and hired for his still and cunning, but turns an entire city against him.

Publication history

  • 2003, USA, Wizards of the Coast ISBN 0-7869-3042-X, Pub date 1 September 2003, Paperback.
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