The Awful Green Things From Outer Space
The Awful Green Things from Outer Space (AGTFOS) is a two-player board game developed and illustrated by Tom Wham
Tom Wham
Tom Wham is a designer of board games who has also produced artwork, including that for his own games.Wham worked a variety of odd jobs during his early adult life. After serving four years in the U.S. Navy, he worked for the Guidon Games hobby shop in Maine where he got his first game, a variant...

 inspired by the Kinji Fukasaku
Kinji Fukasaku
was a Japanese film actor, screenwriter, and best known as a celebrated and innovative filmmaker. He was born in Mito, Ibaraki, Japan, and died in Tokyo, from prostate cancer...

 motion picture, The Green Slime
The Green Slime
is a 1968 science-fiction film produced by MGM in the United States and shot in Japan at the studios of Toei Company by director Kinji Fukasaku. The film was spearheaded by the same creative team who produced similar Italian outings including Wild, Wild Planet, Ivan Reiner and Walter...

. It originally appeared as an insert in Dragon Magazine
Dragon (magazine)
Dragon is one of the two official magazines for source material for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game and associated products, the other being Dungeon. TSR, Inc. originally launched the monthly printed magazine in 1976 to succeed the company's earlier publication, The Strategic Review. The...

 #28 (1979), and subsequently as a boxed game published by TSR
TSR, Inc.
Blume and Gygax, the remaining owners, incorporated a new company called TSR Hobbies, Inc., with Blume and his father, Melvin Blume, owning the larger share. The former assets of the partnership were transferred to TSR Hobbies, Inc....

 in 1980. The rights to the game were subsequently acquired by Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games is a game company, founded in 1980 by Steve Jackson, that creates and publishes role-playing, board, and card games, and the gaming magazine Pyramid.-History:...

, which resumed publication after the game had been out of print for some years. The game has gone through a number of revisions over the years, and both full-sized and smaller Pocket Box
Pocket Box
thumb|An empty pocket boxA pocket box is a small box or pocket-sized container, so named to emphasise its portability.In the 1980's pocket box was used by Steve Jackson Games to describe the plastic boxes designed to hold a rulebook and related game components. They replaced ziplock bags...

 editions exist.


The spaceship Znutar has become infested with rapidly multiplying space monsters. The players can assume the role of The Awful Green Things (GT's) or the ship's crew. The GT's role is simple: devour the crew and grow. The crew must destroy the GT's, using hand to hand combat and improvised "weapons" of unknown effect. If it is determined that the cause is hopeless, the crew can activate the ship's self-destruct
A self-destruct is a mechanism which causes a device to destroy itself under a predefined set of circumstances.Self-destruct mechanisms are also found on devices and systems where malfunction could endanger large numbers of people...

 mechanism and abandon ship. The crew must act quickly, or become overwhelmed by the rapidly breeding menace.

Game pieces

Initially, 22 crew members face off against 11 or 12 GT's that range in size from immobile eggs to full adults. The GT's can grow to a maximum complement of 12 adults, 18 babies, 19 eggs and 22 fragments (pieces capable of regenerating). The crew can use weapons but cannot replace losses. The crew is almost always at a considerable disadvantage, owing both to the frequency with which The Awful Green Things grow to replace their losses, and to their own relative fraility.

Each crew member and GT has three statistics: Attack Dice, Constitution and Movement Allowance. All GT's of the same size / growth phase have the same statistics.


The crew player places the crew members in their respective rooms. Most crew members have several rooms to choose from, but must be placed initially in one of these rooms (rather than in an arbitrary starting location). For example, Captain Yid can start in either of the two bridges. Weapons are also placed by the crew player in the appropriate pre-defined locations.

A roll of a die indexed into a table determines the starting number and type of GT’s. Another roll determines where in the ship the first GT is placed; the rest are placed in contiguous spaces, one to each space. GT's may not start in locations where crew members have been placed.

After setup is completed, the crew player must select one member of the crew to move into a location occupied by a GT. This is designated as the initial discovery of the infestation, which raises the alarm, causing the game to start. The Awful Green Things player takes the first turn.

The Awful Green Things player

During his or her turn, the GT player can, in this order:
  1. Grow, one of: fragments to babies, eggs to babies, babies to adults, or have the adults lay eggs. All non-stunned GT's of the selected growth phase perform this action simultaneously.
  2. Move, 2 spaces for adults, 1 space for babies.
  3. Attack. Roll the number of attack dice the attackers possess for a target in the same room; the target is killed if its Constitution is exceeded. Killed crew members are eaten for an immediate growth boost.
  4. Wake up, if stunned the previous turn.

Crew player

During the crew player’s turn, he or she can, in this order:
  1. Grab weapons. This includes items such as a ray gun, hypodermic, Can of Zgwortz, knife, pool stick, etc.
  2. Move, up to four spaces for the swift and as little as one space for Leadfoot the Robot.
  3. Attack. The crew can fight with their bare hands or with various tools found throughout the ship. When a weapon is used for the first time, a chit is drawn to determine its effect. The result can range from very powerful (five dice to kill), to bad (growth), to disastrous (multiplication—roll one die to determine the number of fragments produced).
  4. Wake up, if stunned the previous turn.


During the game, crew members will grab and utilize various weapons. While the actual action of a given weapon type is randomized for each game, weapons have certain characteristics which always remain the same. This includes things such as the range of the weapon (i.e., how far away it can be used) and whether it is re-usable. Weapons function according to the following table:
Name # of GT's affected Range Collateral damage Re-usable?
Bottle of Acid One One space
Canister of Zgwortz One One space
Comm. Beamer All in
one space
Line of sight
Fire Extinguisher All in
one space
One space
Gas Grenade All w/in area
enclosed by hatches
One space
5 dice to Stun
Hypodermic Needle One Same space
Knife One Same space OR line of sight
Yes OR no (if thrown into another space)
Pool Stick One Same space
Rocket Fuel All w/in area
enclosed by hatches
One space
5 dice to Kill
Stun Pistol One Line of sight
Welding Torch One Same space


Once all of the crew members have been killed or escaped, a score value is calculated for both players based on the game resolution. If some crew members escape, victory depends on the number of crew members which escape and make it back to their home planet. Scores are calculated according to the following table:
Side Crew annihilated Ship abandoned Ship abandoned but
self-destruct activated
GT's annihilated
GT's 111 111 55.5 0
Crew 0 Sum of Constitution values
of crew which reach home
Sum of Constitution values
of crew which reach home
Sum of Constitution values
of surviving crew

If the crew escapes, the crew player may play through a short epilogue
An epilogue, epilog or afterword is a piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or drama, usually used to bring closure to the work...

 which determines whether or not each escape boat actually made it back home successfully. This is done by reading through a very short series of text passages, while making choices and rolling a die to determine what happens (much like a gamebook
A gamebook is a work of fiction that allows the reader to participate in the story by making effective choices. The narrative branches along various paths through the use of numbered paragraphs or pages...


Computer game

Space Station Zulu, a computer game closely resembling The Awful Green Things from Outer Space, was produced by Avalon Hill in 1982.


The game was first released in 1980 and gained a positive review in White Dwarf magazine issue 20, although the high element of luck was noted as a negative.

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.