Texture Maps: The Lost Pieces Vol. 3
Texture Maps: The Lost Pieces Vol.3 (2003) is an album by the American ambient
Ambient music
Ambient music is a musical genre that focuses largely on the timbral characteristics of sounds, often organized or performed to evoke an "atmospheric", "visual" or "unobtrusive" quality.- History :...

 musician Steve Roach.

This album is more stylistically coherent than the previous Lost Pieces albums. It consists of subtle, dark, purely electronic textures similar to The Magnificent Void
The Magnificent Void
The Magnificent Void is an album by the U.S. ambient musician Steve Roach.- Overview :The backcover of The Magnificent Void quotes from transpersonal psychologist Stanislav Grof's 1992 book The Holotropic Mind: "One of the most enigmatic of all transpersonal phenomena is the experience of the Void...

and Mystic Chords & Sacred Spaces
Mystic Chords & Sacred Spaces
Mystic Chords & Sacred Spaces is a four disc album by the American ambient musician Steve Roach. The music consists mostly of meditative, pure electronic textures similar to The Magnificent Void...


The first track “Gray and Purple” was recorded in the same week as the track “Looking for Safety” from Dreamtime Return
Dreamtime Return
Dreamtime Return is a double album, based on Australian Aboriginal culture and the concept of the Dreamtime, by the American ambient musician Steve Roach. Roach had already began composing this album when by chance he received a letter from writer/photographer David Stahl...

. The track “Artifact Ghost” was used as a background for some of the rhythmic atmospheres on Artifacts and Well of Souls, as well as several live concerts from around that time. Its original 90 minute version was looped at low volume in continuous playback for several days at Roach’s home.

Track listing

  1. ”Gray and Purple” – 21:14
    (Recorded in 1987. Previously unreleased.)
  2. ”Artifact Ghost” – 8:46
    (Recorded in 1993. Featured in Artifacts and Well of Souls.)
  3. ”Spiral Triptych” – 15:24
    (Recorded in 2001. Previously unreleased)
  4. (Same as above.)
  5. (Same as above.)
  6. "Bottomless 2" – 7:03
    (Recorded in 1999. Alternate mix of a track released on the multi artist compilation Weightless, Effortless, 1999.)
  7. ”Quiet Sun” – 5:29
    (Recorded in 2003. Previously unreleased.)
  8. ”Soul Light” – 15:09
    (Same as track 7.)

See also

  • Steve Roach
  • Ambient music
    Ambient music
    Ambient music is a musical genre that focuses largely on the timbral characteristics of sounds, often organized or performed to evoke an "atmospheric", "visual" or "unobtrusive" quality.- History :...

  • Electronic music
    Electronic music
    Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production. In general a distinction can be made between sound produced using electromechanical means and that produced using electronic technology. Examples of electromechanical sound...

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