TUM Institute for Advanced Study
TUM Institute for Advanced Study is a scientific institution of the Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany. Selected excellent researchers conduct top-level research in science, engineering and humanities. Fellow
A fellow in the broadest sense is someone who is an equal or a comrade. The term fellow is also used to describe a person, particularly by those in the upper social classes. It is most often used in an academic context: a fellow is often part of an elite group of learned people who are awarded...

s with different levels of seniority
Seniority is the concept of a person or group of people being in charge or in command of another person or group. This control is often granted to the senior person due to experience or length of service in a given position, but it is not uncommon for a senior person to have less experience or...

 are given the possibility to devote their full time to their innovative projects. This opportunity is made possible through not only financial support, but also freedom from traditional bureaucracy as well as teaching obligations.


Fellowships are awarded based on the excellent academic record of the fellows. Start up-funding for these projects will be granted not on the basis of detailed research proposals but on the trust and confidence in TUM-IAS's members. The program is open for young excellent scientists as well as for highly experienced senior scientists. Fellows from around the world as well as internally from TUM; from academia as well as from industry.


The projects are from various fields of research ranging from science and engineering to the humanities. TUM IAS Projects are innovative and come from nascent areas of research which bear the promise of major academic or scientific breakthroughs.


The TUM IAS Director represents the institute with regards to in-house and external affairs. The director reports to the president for the TUM. The director is responsible for the selection of the fellows, based on the advice of the Selection Committee. The members of the Selection Committee are highly experienced professors and researchers from Germany and abroad.


On June 2005, the German federal and state governments agreed on an initiative to promote top-level research in Germany. As a result of extensive evaluation the Technische Universität München was awarded the “elite-status”. The TUM Institute for Advanced Study was the core for the concept of this competition. It includes engineering, sciences, industry research and reaches out to the humanities.


The main building of TUM IAS will be built in Garching at the Campus of TUM. At the former monastery Raitenhaslach, near Burghausen, IAS Fellows have a place to organize conferences and seminars, as well a place for quite individual study. There is also a guest house for IAS visitors in the centre of Munich.

External links

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