Sybase Open Watcom Public License
The Sybase Open Watcom Public Licence is an open source license that has been approved by the Open Source Initiative
Open Source Initiative
The Open Source Initiative is an organization dedicated to promoting open source software.The organization was founded in February 1998, by Bruce Perens and Eric S. Raymond, prompted by Netscape Communications Corporation publishing the source code for its flagship Netscape Communicator product...

. It is the licence under which the Open Watcom C/C++ compiler is released.

The license has not been accepted as "free" under the Debian Free Software Guidelines, due to controversy about the license's termination clauses.

The Fedora project also considers the license as non free.


The draft of version 2.0 of the Licence was published on 20 January 2004
2004 in science
The year 2004 in science and technology involved some significant events.-Anthropology:*October 27 - Remains of a previously unknown species of human is discovered in Indonesia...

. This version incorporated changes from Apple and made the licence less specific to OpenWatcom.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.