Swizzlewick was a twice weekly 1964 BBC comedy drama series about the day-to-day events of a local council in a fictional Midlands town. The writers included David Turner
David Turner (dramatist)
David Turner was a British playwright.From a working class background, he studied French at Birmingham University and subsequently worked as a school teacher in that city...

 who created the series.

An episode in August 1964 featured Mrs Smallgood, a parody of 'Clean Up TV' campaigner Mary Whitehouse
Mary Whitehouse
Mary Whitehouse, CBE was a British campaigner against the permissive society particularly as the media portrayed and reflected it...

, who was depicted launching a "Freedom from Sex" campaign with a friend. A scene with a prostitute was cut from another episode of the series, after a television studio worker leaked an advance copy of the script to her. The Postmaster General appears to have passed the matter on to the BBC, and the scene Mrs Whitehouse found offensive was cut. Turner resigned from the series.

Television programmers from this era were often wiped
Wiping or junking is a colloquial term for action taken by radio and television production and broadcasting companies, in which old audiotapes, videotapes, and telerecordings , are erased, reused, or destroyed after several uses...

, discarded or not recorded at all if they went out live. Of 26 episodes, only one episode is believed to still exist.
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