This article is about a topic in Central American religion; for other uses of Sua, see Sua (disambiguation)
Sua (disambiguation)
Sua is an abbreviated term for the Sua Pan, a geological feature in the Kalihari region of BotswanaSua may also refer to:* Seilala Sua , American discus thrower* Sua was a hero-god of the Muyscas of Central America....


Sua was a hero-god of the Muyscas of Central America, also called Bachica or Nemquetaha. The name signifies "day" or "east." He taught them the arts of life, and, like Quetzalcoatl
Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and has the meaning of "feathered serpent". The worship of a feathered serpent deity is first documented in Teotihuacan in the first century BCE or first century CE...

, disappeared. Like the latter, he was a personification of the sun.
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