Street network
A street network is a system of interconnecting lines and points that represent a system of street
A street is a paved public thoroughfare in a built environment. It is a public parcel of land adjoining buildings in an urban context, on which people may freely assemble, interact, and move about. A street can be as simple as a level patch of dirt, but is more often paved with a hard, durable...

s for a given area. A street network provides the foundation for network analysis
Network analysis
Network analysis can refer to:* Analysis of general networks: see Network theory.* Electrical network analysis see Network analysis .* Social network analysis.You may also be interested in Network planning and design...

; for example, finding the best route or creating service areas. They greatly affect in-town movement and traffic. Street networks can become very complex in cities. Street networks are very often localized, because there is little non-highway transportation from town to town. The U.S. Highway System
United States Numbered Highways
The system of United States Numbered Highways is an integrated system of roads and highways in the United States numbered within a nationwide grid...

is like a street network, but it is national, and consists of highways instead of streets and roads.
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