Stop43 is a UK based digital rights
Digital rights
The term digital rights describes the permissions of individuals legitimately to perform actions involving the use of a computer, any electronic device, or a communications network...

 group that lobbies on behalf of photographers for the preservation of their copyrights. They ran a viral campaign in 2010 to oppose a change in British law that would have removed copyright protection from orphaned works
Orphaned works
An orphan work is a copyrighted work for which the copyright owner cannot be contacted. In some cases the name of the creator or copyright owner of an orphan work may be known but other than the name no information can be established...

. The campaign was successful.

In 2011 they proposed offering an “e-Bay-style trading marketplace for images” Unlike alternative registration programs like Creative Barcode
Creative Barcode
Creative Barcode is a nonprofit organization that allows members to share new ideas without the risk of unauthorized copying. It was founded in 2010. Members embed digital codes in creative works to indicate usage permissions. Private disclosure is made to other members who agree not to publicly...

, images would be registered and marked at no charge to the image producer.
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