State Legislative Sourcebook
The State Legislative Sourcebook: A Resource Guide to Legislative Information in the Fifty States is a comprehensive guide to sources of state legislative information in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...


The Sourcebook contains about 3,000 sources of information covering state legislative organization, bills
Bill (proposed law)
A bill is a proposed law under consideration by a legislature. A bill does not become law until it is passed by the legislature and, in most cases, approved by the executive. Once a bill has been enacted into law, it is called an act or a statute....

 and other documents, and legislator
A legislator is a person who writes and passes laws, especially someone who is a member of a legislature. Legislators are usually politicians and are often elected by the people...

s' biographical information, as well as state politics in general. Each of the fifty state chapters in the book includes entries for legislative directories, biographical profiles, procedural manuals, sources for legislative documents, legislative bill status and tracking services, political news websites, political and legislative newsletter
A newsletter is a regularly distributed publication generally about one main topic that is of interest to its subscribers. Newspapers and leaflets are types of newsletters. Additionally, newsletters delivered electronically via email have gained rapid acceptance for the same reasons email in...

s and blog
A blog is a type of website or part of a website supposed to be updated with new content from time to time. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in...

s, etc.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.