Spratt's was the world's first large-scale manufacturer of dog biscuit
Dog biscuit
A dog biscuit is a hard biscuit-based dietary supplement for dogs or other canine, similar to human snack food.Dog biscuits tend to be hard and dry. Dog biscuits may be sold in a flat bone-shape...

s. Its "Meat Fibrine Dog Cake" was the brainchild of American entrepreneur James Spratt who launched the biscuit in London circa 1860. The company began operations in the United States of America in the 1870s and, after Spratt's death in 1880, the company went public and became known as Spratt's Patent, Limited, and Spratt's Patent (America) Limited. Spratt's pioneered the concept of animal life stages with appropriate foods for each stage. The company successfully promoted their array of products for dogs and other domestic animals through the astute use of snob appeal. The company was the first to erect a billboard
Billboard is a weekly American magazine devoted to the music industry, and is one of the oldest trade magazines in the world. It maintains several internationally recognized music charts that track the most popular songs and albums in various categories on a weekly basis...

 in London.

British operations

James Spratt (?–1880) was an electrician
An electrician is a tradesman specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, stationary machines and related equipment. Electricians may be employed in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenance and repair of existing electrical infrastructure. Electricians may also...

 and lightning rod
Lightning rod
A lightning rod or lightning conductor is a metal rod or conductor mounted on top of a building and electrically connected to the ground through a wire, to protect the building in the event of lightning...

 salesman from Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio. Cincinnati is the county seat of Hamilton County. Settled in 1788, the city is located to north of the Ohio River at the Ohio-Kentucky border, near Indiana. The population within city limits is 296,943 according to the 2010 census, making it Ohio's...

 who became the first to manufacture dog biscuit
Dog biscuit
A dog biscuit is a hard biscuit-based dietary supplement for dogs or other canine, similar to human snack food.Dog biscuits tend to be hard and dry. Dog biscuits may be sold in a flat bone-shape...

s and other products for canines on a worldwide scale circa 1860. The creation of Spratt's brainchild – the "Patented Meat Fibrine Dog Cake" – was inspired after his observation of street dogs devouring ship hardtack
Hardtack is a simple type of cracker or biscuit, made from flour, water, and sometimes salt. Inexpensive and long-lasting, it was and is used for sustenance in the absence of perishable foods, commonly during long sea voyages and military campaigns. The name derives from the British sailor slang...

 on the docks of Liverpool, England. His company was established in Holborn
Holborn is an area of Central London. Holborn is also the name of the area's principal east-west street, running as High Holborn from St Giles's High Street to Gray's Inn Road and then on to Holborn Viaduct...

, London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...

 and his first dog cake, a concoction of blended wheat meals, vegetables, beetroot
The beetroot, also known as the table beet, garden beet, red beet or informally simply as beet, is one of the many cultivated varieties of beets and arguably the most commonly encountered variety in North America, Central America and Britain.-Consumption:The usually deep-red roots of beetroot are...

 and meat, was prepared and baked on the premises of Walker, Harrison and Garthwaite, a firm which then claimed to have baked the first dog biscuit. Spratt was not only the first to manufacture pet foods but the first to farm out his production. His "Dog Cakes" were initially sold to English country gentlemen for their sporting dogs.

In conjunction with Spratt's operation, the first colored display billboard
Billboard is a weekly American magazine devoted to the music industry, and is one of the oldest trade magazines in the world. It maintains several internationally recognized music charts that track the most popular songs and albums in various categories on a weekly basis...

 was erected on a retail store in London depicting a Native American buffalo hunt, the alleged meat source of Spratt's "Meat Fibrine". Spratt was always secretive about the meat source for his product, and, after selling the company, retained the contract for supplying the meat probably until his death in 1880. In 1885, Spratt's Patent, Limited, an English public company, was registered and continued the manufacture of dog food. Spratt's was one of the most heavily marketed brands in the early 20th century, with product recognition developed through logo
A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition...

 display, lifestyle advertising, and support through devices such as cigarette cards.

The former factory is located in Poplar
Poplar, London
Poplar is a historic, mainly residential area of the East End of London in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. It is about east of Charing Cross. Historically a hamlet in the parish of Stepney, Middlesex, in 1817 Poplar became a civil parish. In 1855 the Poplar District of the Metropolis was...

, east London and is a well-preserved site with about 150 live-work units called the Spratt's Complex
Spratt's Complex
The Spratt's Complex in Poplar is an old pet food factory that has been converted into approximately 150 live/work units. It was one of the first warehouse conversions in London. It is situated on Morris Road between the DLR stations of Langdon Park and Devons Road.The complex is called after the...

. Much of the original markings are visible on the buildings, with names painted on the DLR
Docklands Light Railway
The Docklands Light Railway is an automated light metro or light rail system opened on 31 August 1987 to serve the redeveloped Docklands area of London...

 track-side walls, and on the small chimney visible from Morris Road.

Charles Cruft

Young clerk Charles Cruft was one of Spratt's first employees and was vitally instrumental in developing the company. As Spratt's products gained widespread favor among consumers, competitors sent their imitations to market and Spratt realized he needed a show card and a trademark. He bought up an entire issue of engravings by Edwin Landseer, the renowned dog portraitist, depicting a pointer in a turnip field to use on his cards. His trademark became the 'X' that the young Cruft used to differentiate between trade and private customers in the company's ledgers. Dog cakes were then stamped 'SPRATTS X PATENT' during the manufacturing process. Cruft eventually left the company (though maintaining cordial relations) and founded the Cruft's Dog Shows.


Spratt published informational booklets telling his customers how his product was manufactured. Grains and other ingredients were brought to his London factory
Spratt's Complex
The Spratt's Complex in Poplar is an old pet food factory that has been converted into approximately 150 live/work units. It was one of the first warehouse conversions in London. It is situated on Morris Road between the DLR stations of Langdon Park and Devons Road.The complex is called after the...

 in ships and barges from Limehouse Basin
Limehouse Basin
The Limehouse Basin in Limehouse, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets provides a navigable link between the Regent's Canal and the River Thames, through the Limehouse Basin Lock. A basin in the north of Mile End, near Victoria Park connects with the Hertford Union Canal leading to the River Lee...

 on the Thames and hoisted to the fifth floor of his factory for storage. When the various ingredients had been blended, they were conveyed to a dough drum where the mass was mechanically kneaded, eight and a half hundredweight at a time. The dough was then drawn onto a machine, rolled out to the required thickness, and carried forward to cutting machines which stamped out biscuits at a rate of 50,000 an hour. The biscuits entered an enormous oven and emerged as "row upon row of brown, healthy fellows, each and every one of them done to a turn." The biscuits were sent to drying bins for 48 hours and then packaged. Meticulous records were kept of the actual number of biscuits produced. Spratt's supplied army dogs with 1,256,976,708 dog biscuits during World War I
World War I
World War I , which was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter, was a major war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918...


Other products

The company expanded to include items for dogs such as portable kennels (described as 'palatial' or 'like a drawing room cot'), traveling boxes, chains, collars, dog clothing, kennel accessories, and kennel appliances. Booklets were published giving advice on treating minor canine ailments in conjunction with the company's line of cures for jaundice, purging pills for the bowels, liniments, soaps, stimulants for the growth of hair, and "Fomo" antiseptic shampoo for dogs. Foods were manufactured for poultry, game, and other livestock.

American operations

Spratt's American operations coincided with the country's burgeoning love affair with dogs in the 1870s. Spratt’s Patent (America) Ltd. launched operations at 239-245 E. 56th St., New York City, but moved, in 1895, to Newark, NJ. In 1881, the company received an American patent for its "Meat Fibrine Dog Cake" and the product was sold coast to coast.

Spratt's became a relentless advertiser, convincing Americans who usually fed their dogs table scraps to buy a product they didn't need. The company employed snob appeal to hook the public, targeting participants and spectators at dog shows, and, in 1876, focusing on the centennial exhibition with free food for exhibitors. The company bought the entire front cover of the first journal of the American Kennel Club
American Kennel Club
The American Kennel Club is a registry of purebred dog pedigrees in the United States. Beyond maintaining its pedigree registry, this kennel club also promotes and sanctions events for purebred dogs, including the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, an annual event which predates the official...

 in January 1889 to broadcast its involvement with American and European kennel clubs, and to trumpet the company's "Special Appointment" to Queen Victoria. In the 1890s, Spratt's products retailed at approximately $7.00–$8.00 per hundredweight and even more for smaller portions—a considerable expense at a time when $1,000–$2,000 was the average annual income for a middle class American family. The company also targeted health-conscious dog owners and pioneered the concept of animal life stages with appropriate foods for the various stages. In the 1950s, General Mills
General Mills
General Mills, Inc. is an American Fortune 500 corporation, primarily concerned with food products, which is headquartered in Golden Valley, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. The company markets many well-known brands, such as Betty Crocker, Yoplait, Colombo, Totinos, Jeno's, Pillsbury, Green...

acquired Spratt's US business..
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