Specters of the Dawn
Specters of the Dawn is a science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 novel and the third book in the Moreau series
Moreau series
Nohar Rajasthan is the private investigator from the Moreau series of books by S. Andrew Swann published by DAW Books...

 by S. Andrew Swann
S. Andrew Swann
S. Andrew Swann is a science fiction and fantasy author living in Solon, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, where much of his fiction is set. He was born Steven Swiniarski and has published some of his books as Swiniarski and some as Swann...

 (aka Steven Swiniarski), published by DAW Books
DAW Books
DAW Books is an American science fiction and fantasy publisher, founded by Donald A. Wollheim following his departure from Ace Books in 1971. The company therefore claims to be "the first publishing company ever devoted exclusively to science fiction and fantasy." The first DAW Book published was...


Set some years after the first book
Forests of the Night
Forests of the Night is a science fiction novel, the first book in the Moreau series by S. Andrew Swann , published by DAW Books.Forests of the Night is a science fiction detective story set in 2053 in Cleveland, Ohio...

, Specters stars Angelica "Angel" Lopez, a rabbit moreau
Biological uplift
In science fiction, uplift is the development or transformation of animals into an intelligent race by other, already-intelligent beings. The concept appears in David Brin's Uplift series and other science fiction works.-History of the concept:...

(animal-human hybrid) introduced in the first book. Now living in California, she finds a massive conspiracy when investigating the murder of a fellow moreau.

External links

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