Soviet Latvia
The term Soviet Latvia usually refers to the Latvian SSR
Latvian SSR
The Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic , also known as the Latvian SSR for short, was one of the republics that made up the Soviet Union. Established on 21 July 1940 as a puppet state during World War II in the territory of the previously independent Republic of Latvia after it had been occupied by...

, a Union Republic of the USSR from 1940 to 1991.

It may also refer to other periods of communist government on the territory of present-day Latvia, e.g.:
  • the so-called "Iskolat
    The Iskolat |Soviet]] of Workers, Soldiers, and the Landless in Latvia, Исполнительный комитет Совета рабочих, солдатских и безземельных депутатов Латвии) was established in Riga on July 29 – 30, 1917, O.S...

     Republic" (1917–1918)
  • the Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic
    Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic
    The Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic was a short-lived socialist republic formed during the Latvian War of Independence. It was proclaimed on 17 December 1918 with the political, economic, and military backing of Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik government in the Russian SFSR...


Other uses

  • Sovetskaya Latviya
    Sovetskaya Latviya
    Sovetskaya Latviya was a major Russian-language newspaper in the Latvian SSR.It was an official publication of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia and the sister newspaper to the Latvian-language daily, Cīņa. From 1969 onwards, it was also styled as an official organ of the...

    (Soviet Latvia), a Russian-language daily newspaper published in the Latvian SSR
  • MV Sovetskaya Latviya
    MV Sovetskaya Latviya
    MV Sovetskaya Latviya was a transport ship operated by the Dalstroy concern of the NKVD. One of its main uses was to transport prisoners as forced labour in the Kolyma camps system.- Prior to Soviet ownership :...

    (Soviet Latvia), a transport ship operated by the Soviet industrial concern Dalstroy, a part of the NKVD's forced labour system.
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