Sobasina paradoxa
Sobasina paradoxa is a jumping spider
Jumping spider
The jumping spider family contains more than 500 described genera and about 5,000 described species, making it the largest family of spiders with about 13% of all species. Jumping spiders have some of the best vision among invertebrates and use it in courtship, hunting and navigation...



The epitheton paradoxa is based on the unusual body form, compared with other Sobasina species.


S. paradoxa looks somewhat like a beetle, unlike other Sobasina species that more resemble ant
Ants are social insects of the family Formicidae and, along with the related wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoptera. Ants evolved from wasp-like ancestors in the mid-Cretaceous period between 110 and 130 million years ago and diversified after the rise of flowering plants. More than...


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