Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1955 film)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (USA: Snow White), is a German film, directed by Erich Kobler, based on the story of Schneewittchen by the Brothers Grimm
Brothers Grimm
The Brothers Grimm , Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm , were German academics, linguists, cultural researchers, and authors who collected folklore and published several collections of it as Grimm's Fairy Tales, which became very popular...



  • Elke Arendt – Snow White
  • Adele "Addi" Adametz – The Evil Queen
  • Niels Clausnitzer – Prince Charming
  • Dietrich Thoms – The Hunter
  • Renate Eichholz – The Good Queen
  • Zita Hitz – Francisca, the Chambermaid
  • Erwin Platzer – The Little Negro

DVD release

In 2007, Schneewittchen was released on DVD in Germany. The film was also part of five DVD boxset, which contained other classic live-action German fairytale films made in the 1950s.

In 2003, the American English-dubbed dvd version was released officially in the United States by Catcom Home Video/Krb Music and then re-issued in 2007. PR Studios then re-issued the dvd in 2008.

External links

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