Slow mutant
Slow Mutants are a fictional offshoot of humanity in the post-apocalyptic world of Stephen King
Stephen King
Stephen Edwin King is an American author of contemporary horror, suspense, science fiction and fantasy fiction. His books have sold more than 350 million copies and have been adapted into a number of feature films, television movies and comic books...

's Dark Tower series
The Dark Tower (series)
The Dark Tower is a series of books written by American author Stephen King, which incorporates themes from multiple genres, including fantasy, science fantasy, horror and western. It describes a "Gunslinger" and his quest toward a tower, the nature of which is both physical and metaphorical. King...


Slow Mutants are the result of a long-passed nuclear war
Nuclear warfare
Nuclear warfare, or atomic warfare, is a military conflict or political strategy in which nuclear weaponry is detonated on an opponent. Compared to conventional warfare, nuclear warfare can be vastly more destructive in range and extent of damage...

. They have luminous green skin, and a variety of twisted faces.

Roland Deschain
Roland Deschain
Roland Deschain of Gilead is a fictional character, the protagonist and antihero of Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. He is the son of Steven and Gabrielle Deschain and is descended from a long line of "gunslingers", peacekeepers and diplomats of Roland's society...

, the gunslinger, seems to be very familiar with them. He encounters them several times in his adventures. The first time is in "The Little Sisters of Eluria
The Little Sisters of Eluria
"The Little Sisters of Eluria" is a novella by Stephen King. It was originally published in 1998 in the collection Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy...

", where they demonstrate the ability to talk and make rudimentary decisions.

Roland later encounters a different group of Slow Mutants during the events of The Gunslinger
The Gunslinger
The Gunslinger is a novel by American author Stephen King, and is the first volume in the Dark Tower series, which King considers to be his magnum opus. It was first published in 1982. The story centers upon Roland Deschain, the last gunslinger who has been chasing after his adversary, "the man in...

. While travelling under the mountains with Jake Chambers
Jake Chambers
John "Jake" Chambers is a fictional character in Stephen King's The Dark Tower series of novels. He first appeared in the short story "The Way Station" in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in April 1980, which was later compiled as one of the chapters of the first Dark Tower book, The...

 in pursuit of the man in black
Randall Flagg
Randall Flagg is a fictional character created by Stephen King. Flagg has appeared in seven novels by King, sometimes as the main antagonist and others in a brief cameo. He often appears under different names; most are abbreviated by the initials R.F. There are exceptions to this rule; in The Dark...

. The Slow Mutants attack Roland and Jake as they travel along the long disused railroad tracks using a handcart. Roland kills the Slow Mutants, with some assistance from Jake.

In Song of Susannah
Song of Susannah
Song of Susannah is the sixth novel in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. The novel was nominated for the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel in 2005.-Plot summary:...

, it is revealed that most of the walk-in
A walk-in is a new age concept of a person whose original soul has departed his or her body and has been replaced with a new soul, either temporarily or permanently.-Origin:...

s that appear in the state of Maine
Maine is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and south, New Hampshire to the west, and the Canadian provinces of Quebec to the northwest and New Brunswick to the northeast. Maine is both the northernmost and easternmost...

 are actually Slow Mutants, that have escaped Roland's world as the Beams that hold reality together become weaker.
In the Seventh Dark Tower book, a group or people of Slow Mutants are called 'Sons of Roderick'. One example is the walk-in
A walk-in is a new age concept of a person whose original soul has departed his or her body and has been replaced with a new soul, either temporarily or permanently.-Origin:...

 they meet in year of 1977 in the keystone world.

At one point of the series Roland mentions that after the fall of Gilead, slow mutants could be found in the dark corners of the Great Hall of Gilead.

In Marvel
Marvel Comics
Marvel Worldwide, Inc., commonly referred to as Marvel Comics and formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, is an American company that publishes comic books and related media...

's comic adaptation of the series, a Slow Mutant is seen in The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born, being used by John Farson
John Farson
John Farson is a fictional character from Stephen King's The Dark Tower series of novels and comic books. Known as "The Good Man", Farson is the leader of a revolution in In-World who appeals to the common people, wanting to end the training of Gunslingers and re-distribute power. His stated...

's forces for dangerous work with antiquated machines. By the events of The Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead
The Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead
The Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead is a six-issue comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics. It is the penultimatestory arc of five based on Stephen King's The Dark Tower series of novels. It is plotted by Robin Furth, scripted by Peter David, and illustrated by Richard Isanove. Stephen...

, Farson's forces have trained the creatures to use crude poison darts as weapons and that they have begun to wander into Gilead and the surrounding country. When Farson and Marten Broadcloak
Randall Flagg
Randall Flagg is a fictional character created by Stephen King. Flagg has appeared in seven novels by King, sometimes as the main antagonist and others in a brief cameo. He often appears under different names; most are abbreviated by the initials R.F. There are exceptions to this rule; in The Dark...

attack Gilead, they use thousands of Slow Mutants as shock troops, sending many to their deaths in various mantraps and against the city walls.
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