Sigurd Sverdrup
Sigurd Bernhard Sverdrup (1918 – 2008) was a Norwegian World War II resistance
Norwegian resistance movement
The Norwegian resistance to the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany began after Operation Weserübung in 1940 and ended in 1945. It took several forms:...


He studied law during the early phase of World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

. He became a member of the resistance group 2A. Here he gained contact with Martin Siem, a worker at the mechanic yard Akers Mekaniske Verksted. Both were recruited to the secret intelligence organization RMO
RMO (Norwegian resistance)
RMO was a Norwegian clandestine organization for naval intelligence during World War II, led from Oslo. The organization operated from Spring 1942 until the end of the war in the spring of 1945.-Establishment:...

. Siem was an informant regarding his workplace, whereas Sverdrup gained a direect channel to the executive of the Oslo Port Authority. When the leader of RMO, A.K. Rygg, had to flee the country in the autumn 1943, Siem and Sverdrup took over the leadership. Sverdrup was specifically tasked with coordinating naval intelligence in the Oslofjord
The Oslofjord is a bay in the south-east of Norway, stretching from an imaginary line between the Torbjørnskjær and Færder lighthouses and down to Langesund in the south to Oslo in the north....

, from Kristiansand
-History:As indicated by archeological findings in the city, the Kristiansand area has been settled at least since 400 AD. A royal farm is known to have been situated on Oddernes as early as 800, and the first church was built around 1040...

 in the west to Halden
is a both a town and a municipality in Østfold county, Norway. The seat of the municipality, Halden is a border town located at the Tista river delta on the Iddefjord, the southernmost border crossing between Norway and Sweden.-History:...

 in the east. RMO cooperated with XU
XU was a clandestine intelligence organisation working on behalf of Allied powers in occupied Norway during World War II...

 and Milorg
Milorg was the main Norwegian resistance movement in World War II....

, and information on the Port of Oslo became especially important for Norwegian ship saboteurs, such as Max Manus
Max Manus
Maximo Guillermo "Max" Manus DSO, MC & Bar was a Norwegian resistance fighter during World War II.Manus was born in Bergen to a Norwegian father and a Danish mother...

, Gregers Gram
Gregers Gram
Gregers Winther Wulfsberg Gram MC MM was a Norwegian resistance fighter and saboteur. A corporal and later second lieutenant in the Norwegian Independent Company 1 during the Second World War, he was killed in 1944....

 and Roy Nielsen
Roy Nielsen
Roy Nielsen was a Norwegian resistance member during World War II, a member of Milorg and involved in propaganda and sabotage. Among his sabotage operations was the destruction of 25 Messerschmitt fighter aircraft and 150 engines stored in a bus garage in Oslo, on 14 August 1944, together with Max...


Sverdrup died in 2008.
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