Serenus may refer to:
  • Saint Serenus the Gardener (Sirenatus, Cerneuf), also known as Serenus of Sirmium
  • Saint Serenus of Marseille, patron saint of Biandrate

  • Serenus Sammonicus
    Serenus Sammonicus
    Quintus Sammonicus Serenus was a Roman savant, tutor to Geta and Caracalla who became fatally involved in politics, and an author of a didactic medical poem, Liber Medicinalis , probably incomplete in the form in which we have it, as well as many lost works...

    , Roman scholar
  • Serenus of Antinouplis
    Serenus of Antinouplis
    Serenus of Antinouplis was an ancient Hellenistic mathematician.- Life and work :Serenus came either from Antinoeia or from Antinouplis, a city in Egypt founded by Hadrian. Two sources confirm that he was born in Antinouplis...

    or Antinopolis, also known as Serenus of Antinoeia, mathematician
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