Science & Vie Junior
Science & Vie Junior is a French
French language
French is a Romance language spoken as a first language in France, the Romandy region in Switzerland, Wallonia and Brussels in Belgium, Monaco, the regions of Quebec and Acadia in Canada, and by various communities elsewhere. Second-language speakers of French are distributed throughout many parts...

Magazines, periodicals, glossies or serials are publications, generally published on a regular schedule, containing a variety of articles. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by pre-paid magazine subscriptions, or all three...

. It is published by Mondadori France.


It was made in France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 between May to December 1988 but the first of the magazines was made the 20 January 1989. Now the magazine is monthly. The magazine is a spin-off
Spin-off (media)
In media, a spin-off is a radio program, television program, video game, or any narrative work, derived from one or more already existing works, that focuses, in particular, in more detail on one aspect of that original work...

 of Science & Vie
Science & Vie
Science & Vie is a monthly science magazine issued in France since 1913 when its name was La Science et la Vie. In 1982, a spinoff computer magazine, Science & Vie Micro was launched. Another spinoff for teenagers, Science & Vie Junior was started in 1986...

 made for teenagers. In 2010, it gets the Grand prix des Médias.

Sections of Science & Vie Junior

The magazine has 3 main parts.
  • L'actu
  • 100% Science
  • MySVJ


Cucaracha is a Comic in the L'actu section of the magazine. It is the first part of the section. It is about lives of cockroaches
A cockroach is an insect of the order Blattaria. "Cockroach" may also refer to:*Cockroach , a 2001 album by Danger Danger*Cockroach , a 2008 novel by Rawi Hage...

 on humain society
A society, or a human society, is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or virtual territory, subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations...

. It was made by Marino Degano, and Laurent Salles.

Cucaracha cockroach is endowed with reason. With his small telescope, she is passionate about the sky and stars. But sometimes strange shadows infest his field of vision; These are Zoms who are struggling with frenzy. So rather than wait for the view emerges the heroine begins to watch them with a look relevant and sometimes critical.

The moral of this story... cockroaches need only be patient. One day the other, and will destroy the Zoms that day, they become "masters of the world".

Cucaracha is published monthly since November 2001 on the first page in Science et Vie Junior. The site presents a small selection of these stories.

Tout en images

Tout en images (All in images) is a part of L'actu. It takes an event that happened, gets lots of pictures. Then there are captions of 1 medium sized paragraph
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. The start of a paragraph is indicated by beginning on a new line. Sometimes the first line is indented...

. Tout en images takes 7 pages most of the time.


Another section explains news of different science
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe...

s. It also has 1 citation from a person, and a piece of statistics
Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data. It deals with all aspects of this, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments....

. That is called "Le nombre" (The number). There is also a place called textos with no images. Just text. Also. there is a fake interview
An interview is a conversation between two people where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee.- Interview as a Method for Qualitative Research:"Definition" -...

 that has as example anti-hydrogen.

100% Sciences

100% Sciences is another section of the magazine. It has what is similar to the "Tout en images" but with less images. After, there are many long article
Article may refer to:*Article , articles of treaties of the European Union*Article , a grammatical element used to indicate definiteness or indefiniteness...

s with 1 comic, experiments, technology
Technology is the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, and procedures. The word technology comes ;...

 tips, and math magic.


This section that means "My Science & Vie Junior". In this section, there is:
  • Articles
  • Reviews
  • An invention
  • Questions
  • comics

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.