Sabi Island
Sabi Island is an island in the Mergui Archipelago
Mergui Archipelago
The Mergui Archipelago is an archipelago in far southern Myanmar . It consists of more than 800 islands, varying in size from very small to hundreds of square kilometres, all lying in the Andaman Sea off the western shore of the Malay Peninsula near its landward end where it joins the rest of...

 of Taninthayi Region, Burma (Myanmar). It lies between Money Island
Money Island, Burma
Money Island or Ngwe Kyun is an island in the Mergui Archipelago of Taninthayi Region, Burma . It lies between Letsok-aw Island to the south and Sabi Island to the north. The passage between Sabi and Money Island is quite shallow. The principle village on the island is Kyauk Lait, on the southeast...

 to the south and Parker Island to the north. The narrow channel between Sabi island and Money Island is rather shallow, but the half-mile wide channel between Sabi Island and Parker Island is quite deep. The island is heavily forested and has small bays with sandy beaches on the west side. The highest point is 326 m above the sea. Whaleback Reef, which lies about three-quarters of mile off the northeast part of the island, is exposed about 8 ft. at low tide.
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