SSML is an acronym, which may stand for:
  • Speech Synthesis Markup Language
    Speech Synthesis Markup Language
    Speech Synthesis Markup Language is an XML-based markup language for speech synthesis applications. It is a recommendation of the W3C's voice browser working group. SSML is often embedded in VoiceXML scripts to drive interactive telephony systems. However, it also may be used alone, such as for...

    , an XML-based markup language for speech synthesis applications.
  • Spartan South Midlands League
    Spartan South Midlands Football League
    The Spartan South Midlands Football League is an English football league covering Hertfordshire, northwestern Greater London, central Buckinghamshire and southern Bedfordshire...

    , a football league in England.
  • Ship and Offshore Structural Mechanics Laboratory
    Ship and Offshore Structural Mechanics Laboratory
    The Ship and Offshore Structural Mechanics Laboratory is a laboratory in the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering of Pusan National University. The SSML develops methods useful for strength analysis and structural design of marine structures. The methods developed should be...

    ,National Research Laboratory funded by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation.
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