Round Hill (Heard Island)
Round Hill is an ice-free, rounded hill
A hill is a landform that extends above the surrounding terrain. Hills often have a distinct summit, although in areas with scarp/dip topography a hill may refer to a particular section of flat terrain without a massive summit A hill is a landform that extends above the surrounding terrain. Hills...

 (380 m) rising southward of Fairchild Beach
Fairchild Beach
Fairchild Beach is a sandy beach, wide and long, on Compton Lagoon, on the northeast side of Heard Island in the southern Indian Ocean. Fairchild Beach extends north from the base of Round Hill to the south side of the terminus of Compton Glacier. At its western edge, Fairchild Beach...

 and between Compton Glacier
Compton Glacier
Compton Glacier is a glacier, long, flowing northeast from the lower slopes of the Big Ben massif to the northeast side of Heard Island in the southern Indian Ocean. Its terminus is located at Compton Lagoon, between Gilchrist Beach and Fairchild Beach. To the northwest of Compton Glacier is Ealey...

 and Brown Glacier
Brown Glacier
Brown Glacier is a glacier just south of Round Hill on the east side of Heard Island in the southern Indian Ocean. Its terminus is at Brown Lagoon. To the northwest of Brown Glacier is Compton Glacier, whose terminus is located at Compton Lagoon, between Gilchrist Beach and Fairchild Beach...

, on the northeast side of Heard Island. Travelling westwards from the sandy Fairchild Beach at the base of Round Hill, one arrives at the rocky Gilchrist Beach
Gilchrist Beach
Gilchrist Beach is a rocky beach, 1 nautical mile long, lying west of Compton Glacier on the north side of Heard Island. At its eastern edge, Gilchrist Beach communicates with the sandy Fairchild Beach...


The feature is roughly mapped on the 1874 chart by the Challenger expedition
Challenger expedition
The Challenger expedition of 1872–76 was a scientific exercise that made many discoveries to lay the foundation of oceanography. The expedition was named after the mother vessel, HMS Challenger....

. It was surveyed and given this descriptive name by ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
The Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions is the historical name for the Australian Antarctic Program administered for Australia by the Australian Antarctic Division .-The ANARE Name:...

) in 1948.
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