Rocket Power: The Big Day
The Big Day is the hour-long series finale of the Rocket Power
Rocket Power
Rocket Power is an American animated television series that aired on Nickelodeon.-Premise:Rocket Power involves the daily situations of a group of best friends named Oswald "Otto" Rocket, Regina "Reggie" Rocket, Maurice "Twister" Rodriguez, and Sam "Squid" Dullard, as they live in the fictional...

animated television series. The series' conclusion was sponsored by the Make-A-Wish Foundation
Make-A-Wish Foundation
The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a 501 non-profit organization founded in the United States that grants wishes to children who have life-threatening medical conditions. The charity now operates in forty-seven countries around the world through thirty-six affiliate offices.The president & CEO of this...

 and aired on Nickelodeon
Nickelodeon (TV channel)
Nickelodeon, often simply called Nick and originally named Pinwheel, is an American children's channel owned by MTV Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom International. The channel is primarily aimed at children ages 7–17, with the exception of their weekday morning program block aimed at preschoolers...

 on August 2, 2004.


The plotline of this episode picks up from that of the previous one
Rocket Power: Island of the Menehune
Island of the Menehune was the third feature telefilm based on the Rocket Power cartoon series. It aired on Nickelodeon on July 19, 2002 and was also released onto VHS and DVD in 2004, the year Rocket Power ended.-Plot:...

, and mostly concerns Ray Rocket's preparations for a wedding to Tito's cousin Noelani (voice of Kim Mai Guest
Kim Mai Guest
Kim Mai Angela Guest is a voice actress of European and Vietnamese descent. She is known to speak fluent French and Italian.- Anime/Animation roles :* .hack//Liminality - Narumi* .hack//SIGN - Subaru...

), whom he had just met on Oahu for the second significant time (Tito's mother, voiced by Brookes Almy, has also come over), and Otto's attempts to postpone the planned wedding so that the gang can compete in a skating contest (coinciding with the opening of a new skate park in the neighborhood, the Zero Gravity Zone), with a prize of two weeks' training with young pro-skater Shaun White
Shaun White
Shaun Roger White is an American professional snowboarder and skateboarder. He is a two-time Olympic gold medalist. He rides regular stance, twelve and negative three degrees on his board.-Early life:Shaun White is an Irish American...

 (cameoing as himself as the contest moderator).

At face value, one might think that Otto just wants to compete for a chance to play with the pros, after missing out on a roller hockey
Roller hockey
Roller Hockey is a form of hockey played on a dry surface using skates with wheels. The term "Roller Hockey" is often used interchangeably to refer to two variant forms chiefly differentiated by the type of skate used. There is traditional "Roller Hockey," played with quad roller skates, and...

 exhibition game with Jeremy Roenick
Jeremy Roenick
Jeremy Shaffer "J.R." Roenick is a former American professional ice hockey player who played the majority of his career in the National Hockey League . He played for the Chicago Blackhawks, Phoenix Coyotes, Philadelphia Flyers, Los Angeles Kings, and San Jose Sharks over the course of his 18 NHL...

, Martin Brodeur
Martin Brodeur
Martin Pierre Brodeur is a French-Canadian ice hockey goaltender who has played his entire National Hockey League career with the New Jersey Devils. In his 19-year tenure with the Devils, he has won three Stanley Cup championships and has been in the playoffs every year but two...

, and Luc Robitaille
Luc Robitaille
Luc Robitaille is a retired Canadian professional ice hockey player. During his 19-season National Hockey League career, Robitaille won a Stanley Cup in 2001–02 with the Detroit Red Wings, and played for the Pittsburgh Penguins and New York Rangers, but is most known for his fourteen seasons,...

 in "Power Play" (US tx: April 12, 2002), and especially with Lars being their main competition. However, some fans believe that there was an ulterior motive to postponing this wedding: basically, that Otto and Reggie, after such a long time growing up from toddlerhood to adolescence without Danielle around, weren't prepared just then to accept a stepmother (despite this issue, however, Danielle wasn't mentioned in this episode).

Breezy's romance

Until about October 2003, Rocket Power fans had speculated that Ray was going to be marrying travelling saleswoman Breezy Copeley, who had appeared in an episode of the show ("There's Something About Breezy") in April 2002 (she would appear again in March 2004 in "Summer Breezy"). That month, Klasky Csupo announced in their newsletter the then upcoming "Island of the Menehune" telefilm with Ray getting a new girlfriend, thereby apparently putting Breezy out of the picture.

Although Breezy was not in "Island", in the wedding party scene at the end of this episode, she could be seen sitting next to schoolteacher / Madtown Skatepark manager Conroy Blanc.

Daniel Stark

  • 12-year-old cancer
    Cancer , known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a large group of different diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the...

     survivor Daniel Stark appeared in this episode, courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation
    Make-A-Wish Foundation
    The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a 501 non-profit organization founded in the United States that grants wishes to children who have life-threatening medical conditions. The charity now operates in forty-seven countries around the world through thirty-six affiliate offices.The president & CEO of this...

    . His part was 30 seconds long, and it shows Stark snowboarding through a snowboarding course at the tournament and talking to Otto.


One of the bands that were shown as possibilities to be at the wedding was called "the Merryland Mansions". This group, both due to its name and to its looks, is a spoof of Marilyn Manson
Marilyn Manson
Marilyn Manson may refer to:* Marilyn Manson , an American rock musician* Marilyn Manson , the American rock band led by the singer of the same name...



  • Although this was the last episode to be produced and aired, one episode that takes place after this episode and features Noelani as the new stepmom had been shown a month earlier ("New Girl In Town" and "After Shocked", US tx: June 16, 2004, the former of which actually mentions the fact, and the latter of which has some scenes at the new skate park).
  • A THQ
    THQ Inc. is an American developer and publisher of video games. Founded in 1989 in the United States, the company develops products for video game consoles, handheld game systems, as well as for personal computers and wireless devices...

    Rocket Power video game, Zero Gravity Zone, was released some months prior to this ep; people who've played the game will recognize parts of the new skate park in this episode and in "After Shocked".
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