Request to read papers
The motion
Motion (parliamentary procedure)
In parliamentary procedure, a motion is a formal proposal by a member of a deliberative assembly that the assembly take certain action. In a parliament, this is also called a parliamentary motion and includes legislative motions, budgetary motions, supplementary budgetary motions, and petitionary...

 to request to read papers is used to allow a member of a deliberative assembly
Deliberative assembly
A deliberative assembly is an organization comprising members who use parliamentary procedure to make decisions. In a speech to the electorate at Bristol in 1774, Edmund Burke described the English Parliament as a "deliberative assembly," and the expression became the basic term for a body of...

 to read from a paper, book, manuscript, newspaper, or other document as part of his speech.

Explanation and Use

Normally, this motion is handled as a matter of unanimous consent
Unanimous consent
In parliamentary procedure, unanimous consent, also known as general consent, or in the case of the parliaments under the Westminster system, leave of the house, is a situation in which no one present objects to a proposal. The chair may state, for instance: "If there is no objection, the motion...

. The reason for requiring this motion to be made is to prevent such readings from being done as a dilatory
Dilatory motions and tactics
Dilatory tactics or motions, in parliamentary procedure, are those used to delay or obstruct business, annoy the deliberative assembly, or, in legislative procedure, to delay consideration of a subject for other reasons. Some types of motions are suitable only for specific circumstances, and their...

 tactic. Under Demeter's Manual
Demeter's Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure
thumb|right|125px| Demeter's ManualDemeter's Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure, by George Demeter, is a parliamentary authority manual. It is included in the bank of study materials used in preparing for the Certified Parliamentarian designation offered by the American Institute of...

, by default, a member can read from such documents, but must stop if an objection is made, seconded, and adopted by majority vote. Referring to one's notes does not constitute reading, and the reading of written or printed reports of officers or committees from paper, yearbook, etc. is not subject to such objection. Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure
Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure
Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure, commonly referred to as Mason's Manual. This 700+ page book serves as the official parliamentary manual of most state legislative bodies in the United States. "Adopted as the authority on questions of parliamentary law and procedure in California, it is to...

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