Reception (film)
Reception is a 2011 short film directed by Dane McCusker and written by Jasper Marlow. It revolves around a pregnant hotel worker played by ex-Home and Away
Home and Away
Home and Away is an Australian soap opera that has been produced in Sydney since July 1987 and is airing on the Seven Network since 17 January 1988. It is the second-longest-running drama and most popular soap opera on Australian television...

 star Jessica Tovey
Jessica Tovey
Jessica Tovey is an Australian actress. Tovey graduated from the Newtown High School of the Performing Arts and has made appearances for various drama companies. She is best known for her role of Belle Taylor on the long-running Australian soap opera Home and Away. Tovey joined the show in 2006...



A pregnant hotel worker (Jessica Tovey
Jessica Tovey
Jessica Tovey is an Australian actress. Tovey graduated from the Newtown High School of the Performing Arts and has made appearances for various drama companies. She is best known for her role of Belle Taylor on the long-running Australian soap opera Home and Away. Tovey joined the show in 2006...

) receives a late night phone call from a disgruntled guest. He says there are strange noises coming from the room next to his. Upon investigation the pregnant girl finds the room empty except for lots of baby paraphernalia. The door shuts locking her in and she is forced to confront her deepest fears.


Reception was screened as part of the 2011 Dungog Film Festival
Dungog Film Festival
The Dungog Film Festival is an annual event held in the Hunter Region town of Dungog. Dungog Film Festival is a not for profit arts organisation that is dedicated to celebrating and promoting Australian screen industry. The festival is committed to education and nurturing the health of the...

. It screened in the Walk on the Dark Side section of short films.

External links

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