Rachel Berger
Rachel Berger is an Australian comedian
A comedian or comic is a person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting a fool, as in slapstick, or employing prop comedy...

, actor, and writer. Berger was born in Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

 to Polish Jewish parents and emigrated to Melbourne
Melbourne is the capital and most populous city in the state of Victoria, and the second most populous city in Australia. The Melbourne City Centre is the hub of the greater metropolitan area and the Census statistical division—of which "Melbourne" is the common name. As of June 2009, the greater...

 at the age of five.

She is a "performer who delivers rapid-fire lines with assertive and acerbic virtuosity," who has made her name as a stand-up comedian, staging "confronting and politically incorrect" productions including Perfect, Clenched Buttocks, Loose Cannon, The She Comic, Comedy Siren, and Berger Republic.

In 2008, Berger wrote and performed Hold the Pickle. A major departure from her previous work, Hold the Pickle is a monologue
In theatre, a monologue is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience. Monologues are common across the range of dramatic media...

 that traces her parents' flight from Nazi-occupied Poland to Israel during the Second World War, to running a delicatessen in Acland Street, St Kilda
St Kilda, Victoria
St Kilda is an inner city suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 6 km south from Melbourne's central business district. Its Local Government Area is the City of Port Phillip...

, a Melbourne
Melbourne is the capital and most populous city in the state of Victoria, and the second most populous city in Australia. The Melbourne City Centre is the hub of the greater metropolitan area and the Census statistical division—of which "Melbourne" is the common name. As of June 2009, the greater...


In 2008, Hold the Pickle was nominated for three Green Room Awards
Green Room Awards
The Green Room Awards are peer awards which recognise excellence in cabaret, dance, drama, fringe theatre, musical theatre and opera in Melbourne....

: Best Female Performer in an Independent Theatre Production, New Writing for the Australian Stage, and Lighting Design.

In 2010, Berger was cast as Cora in the Australian Production of Calendar Girls
Calendar Girls
Calendar Girls is a 2003 comedy film directed by Nigel Cole. Produced by Buena Vista International and Touchstone Pictures, it features a screenplay by Tim Firth and Juliette Towhidi based on a true story of a group of Yorkshire women who produced a nude calendar to raise money for Leukaemia...

, which toured for four months.

Berger is the author of Whaddya Mean You're Allergic to Rubber? (Penguin Books, 2001) and regularly co-hosts The Conversation Hour with Jon Faine
Jon Faine
Jon Faine is an Australian radio presenter and host of a morning program on 774 ABC in Melbourne.Faine was born in Dunedin, New Zealand, and emigrated to Sydney with his parents at a young age. Later they moved to Melbourne, where he attended Melbourne High School.In the late 1970s and early 1980s...

on Radio 774 ABC in Melbourne.

External links

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