Ptghni is a village located in the Kotayk Province of Armenia
Armenia , officially the Republic of Armenia , is a landlocked mountainous country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia...

 along the left bank of the Hrazdan River
Hrazdan River
The Hrazdan is a major river of Armenia. It starts at the northwest extremity of Lake Sevan and flows south through the Kotayk marz and Armenia's capital, Yerevan. It then joins the Aras River along the border with Turkey. A Hydro-electric plant is located on the Hrazdan river...

. It was founded in 1831 in the vicinity of an abandoned dwelling. The village has a house of culture, school, kindergarten, and a library. Local inhabitants predominantly grow grapes, melons, gourds, and breed cattle.

Within the village are the remains of fortress walls and Ptghavank
Ptghavank or Ptghni Church is located in the village of Ptghni in the Kotayk Province of Armenia.- Architecture :The church is a domed single-nave basilica type completed in the 6th to 7th centuries...

of the 6th to 7th century.

External links

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