Productos Mendoza
Productos Mendoza, S.A., is a manufacturer of both air guns and conventional firearms, based in Mexico. It was founded in 1911 by Rafael Mendoza Blanco. Initially, Productos Mendoza manufactured firearms for troops under General Francisco Villa during the Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution
The Mexican Revolution was a major armed struggle that started in 1910, with an uprising led by Francisco I. Madero against longtime autocrat Porfirio Díaz. The Revolution was characterized by several socialist, liberal, anarchist, populist, and agrarianist movements. Over time the Revolution...

. It currently manufactures the HM-3 9mm caliber submachine-gun, which is used by police and security forces within Mexico, as well as the PUMA, a semi-automatic rifle chambered for the .22 long rifle
.22 Long Rifle
The .22 Long Rifle rimfire cartridge is a long established variety of ammunition, and in terms of units sold is still by far the most common in the world today. The cartridge is often referred to simply as .22 LR and various rifles, pistols, revolvers, and even some smoothbore shotguns have...


It also manufactures a variety of staplers and hole-punches for office and student use.
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