Product support
Product support is a service provided by many retailers of various products, primarily electronics
Electronics is the branch of science, engineering and technology that deals with electrical circuits involving active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies...

, that provides the end-user with a resource for information regarding the product, and help if the product should malfunction
A malfunction is when something functions wrongly or does not function at all.Some types of malfunctions are:*Malfunction , malfunction of a parachute*Sexual malfunction, also called "sexual dysfunction"**See also dyspareunia...

. Product Support can be found in most manuals
User guide
A user guide or user's guide, also commonly known as a manual, is a technical communication document intended to give assistance to people using a particular system...

 for products in the form of a phone number, website address, or physical location.

The Internet has allowed for a new form of product support to develop. Some online communities have developed to give support where manufacturer support is lacking.
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