Primost is a Scandinavia
Scandinavia is a cultural, historical and ethno-linguistic region in northern Europe that includes the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, characterized by their common ethno-cultural heritage and language. Modern Norway and Sweden proper are situated on the Scandinavian Peninsula,...

n cheese
Cheese is a generic term for a diverse group of milk-based food products. Cheese is produced throughout the world in wide-ranging flavors, textures, and forms....

 made from cow's milk which has a soft spreadable texture providing a semi-sweet taste. The sweetness is derived from caramelizing the milk sugars of the whey
Whey or Milk Serum is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. It is a by-product of the manufacture of cheese or casein and has several commercial uses. Sweet whey is manufactured during the making of rennet types of hard cheese like cheddar or Swiss cheese...

 as it is made. It is also known as mysost. This cheese is very similar to Gjetost/Brunost
Brunost , or mesost , mysuostur or myseost is a brown Scandinavian whey cheese. The Norwegian name brunost means brown cheese, and the others mean simply whey cheese...

cheese, except that Gjetost is made from a combination of goat and cow's milk or strictly goat's milk ("Ekte Geitost"). The caramelized cheeses are often served with dark bread or Norwegian flatbread, as a dessert cheese, or as a cheese melted into a variety of food dishes.
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