Pretre or Prêtre, meaning priest
A priest is a person authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious rites; in particular, rites of sacrifice to, and propitiation of, a deity or deities...

 in French, may refer to :
  • Georges Prêtre
    Georges Prêtre
    - Biography :He was born in Waziers , and attended the Douai Conservatory and then studied harmony under Maurice Duruflé and conducting under André Cluytens among others at the Conservatoire de Paris. Amongst his early musical interests were jazz and trumpet. After graduating, he conducted in a...

     (born 1924), a French conductor
  • Prêtre Martin
    Prêtre Martin
    Prêtre Martin is a character who serves the Mass alone to himself, and appears in the old French proverbs:* Faire le Prêtre Martin - 'To do a Father Martin' meaning to answer oneself....

    , a character who serves the Mass alone to himself
  • Amazone De Pretre, another name for the red-spectacled amazon, a parrot species
  • John McDonell (Le Prêtre)
    John McDonell (Le Prêtre)
    John McDonell was a soldier, judge and political figure in Upper Canada. During the 1830s, he began spelling his surname Macdonell....

     (1768-1850), a soldier, judge and political figure in Upper Canada
  • Sebastien Le Pretre de Vauban (1633-1707), a Marshal of France and the foremost military engineer of his age
  • Vingtaine de Bas du Mont au Prêtre
    Vingtaine de Bas du Mont au Prêtre
    Vingtaine de Bas du Mont au Pretre is one of the five vingtaines of St. Helier Parish on the Channel Island of Jersey.The Roads Inspectors for this Vingtaine are Mr. Paul Huelin and Mr. Daren O'Toole...

    , one of the five vingtaines of St. Helier Parish on the Channel Island of Jersey
  • Vingtaine de Haut du Mont au Prêtre
    Vingtaine de Haut du Mont au Prêtre
    Vingtaine de Haut du Mont au Pretre is one of the five vingtaines of St. Helier Parish on the Channel Island of Jersey....

    , one of the five vingtaines of St. Helier Parish on the Channel Island of Jersey
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