Preston Nichols
Preston B. Nichols is an American author.

He claims to have degrees in parapsychology
The term parapsychology was coined in or around 1889 by philosopher Max Dessoir, and originates from para meaning "alongside", and psychology. The term was adopted by J.B. Rhine in the 1930s as a replacement for the term psychical research...

, psychology, and electrical engineering . Nichols is the main author of a series of books revolving around "The Montauk Project
Montauk Project
The Montauk Project was alleged to be a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel...

" conspiracy. Peter Moon was the co-author and editor of the series.

The main theme of the trilogy is a secret U.S. government project that was supposedly conducted at Montauk Air Force Station
Montauk Air Force Station
Montauk Air Force Station was a military base at Montauk Point on the eastern tip of Long Island, New York. It was decommissioned in 1981 and is now owned by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation as Camp Hero State Park....

. Time travel and mind control were among the purported experiments that took place during the project. Nichols claims the project goes back to 1943 and is connected to the Philadelphia Experiment
Philadelphia Experiment
The Philadelphia Experiment is the name of an alleged naval military experiment said to have been carried out at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA sometime around October 28, 1943. It is alleged that the U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered...


In addition to his writings, Preston Nichols has also appeared in a music video which portrays an instance of time travel he experienced.


  • Nichols, Preston B.; Peter Moon (1992). The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. New York: Sky Books, 160 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-0-9.
  • Nichols, Preston B.; Peter Moon (1993). Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity. New York: Sky Books, 254 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-1-7.
  • Nichols, Preston B.; Peter Moon (1995). Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness. New York: Sky Books, 257 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-2-5.
  • Nichols, Preston B.; Peter Moon (1996). Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs. New York: Sky Books, 247 pages. ISBN 0-9631889-3-3.
  • Nichols, Preston B.; Peter Moon (2000). The Music of Time. New York: Sky Books, 234 pages. ISBN 0-9678162-0-3.
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