PowerLanguage is a proprietary programming language
Programming language
A programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine and/or to express algorithms precisely....

 that was developed by MultiCharts, LLC. This language is used into MultiCharts
-Introduction :MultiCharts is a Windows-based application which is designed, sold and distributed by MultiCharts, LLC. The company is based in Columbus, Ohio, in the United States. MultiCharts is technical analysis software for analyzing the financial markets and trading. It uses a proprietary...

, which is a professional trading platform. PowerLanguage is an advanced programming environment for creating technical analysis indicators and trading strategies for the MultiCharts trading platform. It is a system of expressing financial instrument trading rules in a systematic and logical way that can be executed by a computer.

By supporting EasyLanguage
EasyLanguage is a proprietary programming language that was developed by TradeStation built into its trading platform. It is used to create custom indicators for financial charts and also to create algorithmic trading strategies for the markets...

 developed by TradeStation
TradeStation is a Windows-based application, designed, sold and distributed by TradeStation Securities, Inc. It is technical analysis software that is used for analyzing and trading the financial markets. It uses a built-in proprietary programming language named EasyLanguage.TradeStation is a...

, PowerLanguage maintains compatibility with a wide existing base of EasyLanguage indicators and strategies. . As an alternative to writing indicators or strategies from scratch, existing studies can be modified, or new studies assembled piece-by-piece from built-in scripts. External DLL
Dynamic-link library
Dynamic-link library , or DLL, is Microsoft's implementation of the shared library concept in the Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems...

's can be referenced using PowerLanguage which greatly extends its functionality and permits the use of high-level programming languages, such as C++ or C#.
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