Pinsk (Hasidic dynasty)
Pinsk-Karlin is the name of a chasidic group which is an offshoot of Karlin-Stolin.


A distinguished group of the elders of Karlin did not accept the leadership of present Karlin-Stoliner Rebbe, who was a baby when his preecessor died. They asked the Lelover Rebbe to be their new rebbe
Rebbe , which means master, teacher, or mentor, is a Yiddish word derived from the Hebrew word Rabbi. It often refers to the leader of a Hasidic Jewish movement...

. After the second generation the Lelover Rebbe did not want to intervene in politics, and witdrew as their rebbe. The chasidim then appointed Rabbi Aharon Rosenfeld, a Stoliner Chasid himself, as their rebbe. To distinguish themselves from the Karlin-Stoliner chasidim, they call themselves the Pinsk
Karlin (Pinsk)
Karlin is the name of a suburb of the city of Pinsk, Belarus. It was originally founded as an independent town in 1690 and was named after the village's founder, Jan Karol Dolski. By 1695 Dolski had built a church and a fortified manor on the spot...



  • Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Biderman of Lelov
    Lelov (Hasidic dynasty)
    Lelov is the name of a Hasidic dynasty which traces its origins to Rabbi Dovid of Lelów, Poland.The Lelover dynasty migrated from Poland to Jerusalem when Rabbi Dovid's son, Rabbi Moshe Biderman , moved there in the last year of his life. Rabbi Moshe Biderman of Lelov was the son-in-law of Rabbi...

     (1903-1987), who was accepted by many Karliner chasidim as the new rebbe after the passing of Rabbi Yochanan of Karlin-Stolin
    • Rabbi Shimon Biderman of Lelov, son of Rabbi Moshe. In 1991, he stepped down from the Karliner leadership, remaining as Lelover Rebbe of Bnei Brak
      • Rebbe Aharon Hacohen Rosenfeld of Pinsk-Karlin (1927-2001), a descendant of Rebbe Aaron of Karlin, appointed as manhig (leader) of Pinsk-Karlin in 1991, as a successor of Rabbi Shimon of Lelov who gave up leadership of the Karliner Chasidim after he suffered a stroke.
        • Rebbe Aryeh Rosenfeld of Pinsk-Karlin, present Rebbe of Pinsk-Karlin, son of Rabbi Aharon Rosenfeld, under whose leadership the community has expanded from Yerushalayim to Bnei Brak, Beitar, Beit Shemesh and Upper Modiin.

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