Philip Paul
Philip "Pinchy" Paul was an early New York labor racketeer who led an alliance of independent labor sluggers in an attempt to break the monopoly long held by Joseph "Joe the Greaser" Rosenweig
Joseph Rosenzweig
Joseph "Joe The Greaser" Rosenzweig was a Jewish American and New York labor racketeer in the early 1900s as an ally of "Dopey" Benny Fein during the labor slugger war from 1914-1917.-Biography:...

 and Benjamin "Dopey Benny" Fein resulting the first labor sluggers war. A "starker" for the Furriers Union, Paul became involved in an altercation with Rosenzweig at Rivington Street movie theater on May 8, 1914. He was eventually killed, gunned down on Norfolk Street, by Benjamin Snyder
Benjamin Snyder
Benjamin "Benny" Snyder or Schneider was an American criminal, union organizer and thug for hire during the turn of the century...

under orders from Rosenzweig. Rosenzweig was later indicted for Paul's murder and, agreeing to turn state's evidence along with Fein, would bring an end to the first labor slugger war.

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