Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar
The Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar (Fantastic Library of Wetzlar
Wetzlar is a city in the state of Hesse, Germany. Located at 8° 30′ E, 50° 34′ N, Wetzlar straddles the river Lahn and is on the German Timber-Framework Road which passes mile upon mile of half-timbered houses. Historically, the city has acted as the hub of the Lahn-Dill-Kreis on the north edge of...

) was founded in 1989 and has become one of the largest public libraries specialised in Fantasy literature
Fantasy literature
Fantasy literature is fantasy in written form. Historically speaking, literature has composed the majority of fantasy works. Since the 1950s however, a growing segment of the fantasy genre has taken the form of films, television programs, graphic novels, video games, music, painting, and other...

 worldwide, it is the largest in Europe. It is generally a reference library, open for the public and researchers.

The aim of the library is to collect everything in print which belongs to: science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

, fantasy, literature, classical fantasy, horror, utopian novels, fantastic journey and adventure novels, fairy tales, saga, myths, etc.

At the moment the library is in possession of 150,000 titles. This collection includes hardcovers and paperbacks, dissertations, magazines and fanzines. There are also some rare materials, e.g. the documenta 1984 science-fiction-collection.


The Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar closely cooperates with schools, universities and literary societies. Seminars, conferences and exhibitions are held. Once a year the library organizes the "Wetzlarer Tage der Phantastik” (Wetzlar Fantastic Conference), a literary symposium for authors, journalists, publishers and the public.

Zentrum für Literatur (Centre of Literature) is a department of the library and offers programmes in general education, reading and language courses, e.g. to support the children's reading skills.


The Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar is the editor of the scholarly
series Schriftenreihe und Materialien der Phantastischen Bibliothek Wetzlar which publishes monographs and collections of essays.

Further reading

  • Ulrich Blode: Die Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar, in: Das andere Arkadien / Unterwegs im Universum Fantasticum. die horen – Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und Kritik. No. 217, 2005, pp. 205–207
  • Ulrich Blode: Die Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar – Verkehrssysteme der Zukunft, in: phantastisch! No. 18, 2005, pp. 45–49
  • Ulrich Blode: Die ewige Bibliothek, Die Phantastische Bibliothek Wetzlar, in: phantastisch! No. 26, 2007, pp. 38–42
  • Stefanie Guthörl: Öffentlichkeits- und Programmarbeit einer wissenschaftlichen Spezialbibliothek am Beispiel der Phantastischen Bibliothek Wetzlar, Schriftenreihe und Materialien der Phantastischen Bibliothek Wetzlar Band 2. Wetzlar: Förderkreis Phantastik in Wetzlar e. V., 1993
  • Bettina Twrsnick: Kosten sollte es eigentlich nichts, Die Phantastische Bibliothek in Wetzlar, in: BuB, Forum für Bibliothek und Information. No. 4, Jg. 52, 2000, pp. 315–317
  • Jörg Weigand: Zehn Jahre "Phantastische Bibliothek" Wetzlar, in: Aus dem Antiquariat, No. 8, 1999, pp. 479–481

External links

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