Peri Urban Regions Platform Europe
Peri Urban Regions Platform Europe (PURPLE) is a network of European regions
Regions of Europe
Europe is often divided into regions due to geographical, cultural or historical criteria. Some common divisions are as follows.-Directional divisions:...

. It addresses the virtues and needs of the zone around the core cities of metropolitan area
Metropolitan area
The term metropolitan area refers to a region consisting of a densely populated urban core and its less-populated surrounding territories, sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing. A metropolitan area usually encompasses multiple jurisdictions and municipalities: neighborhoods, townships,...

s. This peri-urban area is home to a large proportion of Europe's population and the location of companies from both the services and manufacturing sector
Secondary sector of industry
The secondary sector of the economy or industrial sector includes those economic sectors that create a finished, tangible product: production and construction.-Function:...

, and of agriculture. PURPLE members feel that this zone is not addressed satisfactorily in European as well as national and regional plans and strategies.

External links

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