Paul Pisani
Paul Pisani was a Franciscan friar and historian from France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...


Pisani was ordained a priest in 1878 and received his D.Litt. in 1893. He was a professor at the Institut Catholique de Paris
Institut Catholique de Paris
The Institut Catholique de Paris, or the Catholic University of Paris, is a private university located in Paris, France. The institute was founded in 1875, under the name Université Catholique de Paris, by Maurice Le Sage d'Hauteroche d'Hulst....

 from 1888 to 1889 and from 1908 to 1922. He was a close friend of Monseigneur Maurice Le Sage d'Hauteroche d'Hulst
Maurice Le Sage d'Hauteroche d'Hulst
Maurice Le Sage d'Hauteroche d'Hulst was a French Roman Catholic prelate, writer, and orator. He was the founder of the Institut Catholique de Paris.- Life :...

, founder of the Institut Catholique, and was his secretary from 1884 to 1888.

Selected works

  • La Légende de Skanderbeg - 1891
  • Num Ragusini ab omni iure Veneto a sæc. x usque ad sæac. xiv immunes fuerint - 1893
  • La Dalmatie de 1797 à 1815 - 1893
  • Études d'histoire religieuse: A travers l'Orient - 1987
  • Répertoire biographique de l'épiscopat constitutionnel (1791-1802) - 1907
  • Les Missions protestantes à la fin du XIXe siècle - 1908
  • L'église de Paris et la revolution - 1911
  • Les compagnies de prêtres du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle - 1928
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