Partial geometry
An incidence structure
Incidence structure
In mathematics, an incidence structure is a tripleC=.\,where P is a set of "points", L is a set of "lines" and I \subseteq P \times L is the incidence relation. The elements of I are called flags. If \in I,...

  consists of points , lines , and flags where a point is said to be incident with a line if . It is a (finite) partial geometry if there are integer
The integers are formed by the natural numbers together with the negatives of the non-zero natural numbers .They are known as Positive and Negative Integers respectively...

s such that:
  • For any pair of distinct points and , there is at most one line incident with both of them.
  • Each line is incident with points.
  • Each point is incident with lines.
  • If a point and a line are not incident, there are exactly pairs , such that is incident with and is incident with .

A partial geometry with these parameters is denoted by .


  • The number of points is given by and the number of lines by .
  • The point graph of a is a strongly regular graph
    Strongly regular graph
    In graph theory, a discipline within mathematics, a strongly regular graph is defined as follows. Let G = be a regular graph with v vertices and degree k...

     : .
  • Partial geometries are dual structures : the dual of a is simply a .

Special case

  • The generalized quadrangle
    Generalized quadrangle
    A generalized quadrangle is an incidence structure. A generalized quadrangle is by definition a polar space of rank two. They are the generalized n-gons with n=4...

    s are exactly those partial geometries with .
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