Pacification sejm
Pacification sejm refers to a type of the sejm
The Sejm is the lower house of the Polish parliament. The Sejm is made up of 460 deputies, or Poseł in Polish . It is elected by universal ballot and is presided over by a speaker called the Marshal of the Sejm ....

 (parliament session) in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was a dualistic state of Poland and Lithuania ruled by a common monarch. It was the largest and one of the most populous countries of 16th- and 17th‑century Europe with some and a multi-ethnic population of 11 million at its peak in the early 17th century...

. The pacification sejms were held after a period of conflict to bring peace and unity to the country, usually after a disputed royal election. Pacification sejms were held in 1586, 1673, 1698, 1699, 1717 and 1736.
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