

  • Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
    Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
    The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration is a bureau within the United States Department of State.It has primary responsibility for formulating policies on population, refugees, and migration, and for administering U.S. refugee assistance and admissions programs. The Bureau is headed by...

     (US State Department)
  • Partido de la Revolución Mexicana (Party of the Mexican Revolution); a Mexican political party, successor to the PNR and immediate precedent of the PRI
    Institutional Revolutionary Party
    The Institutional Revolutionary Party is a Mexican political party that held power in the country—under a succession of names—for more than 70 years. The PRI is a member of the Socialist International, as is the rival Party of the Democratic Revolution , making Mexico one of the few...

  • Partidul România Mare
    Greater Romania Party
    The Greater Romania Party is a Romanian radical right-wing, ultra-nationalist political party, led by Corneliu Vadim Tudor. The party is sometimes referred to in English as the Great Romania Party....

    ; Romanian ultra-nationalist political party (Greater Romania Party)
  • Parti Rakyat Malaysia
    Parti Rakyat Malaysia
    The Parti Rakyat Malaysia is a democratic socialist political party in Malaysia. Established on November 11, 1955 as Partai Ra'ayat, it is one of the older political parties in Malaysia and traces its pedigree to the anti-colonial movements from the pre World War II period like the Kesatuan Melayu...

    (People's Party of Malaysia or Malaysian People's Party)
  • Partido Republicano Mineiro
    Mineiro Republican Party
    The Mineiro Republican Party was a Brazilian political party founded on 4 June 1888 and active during the República Velha. It represented the republican ideology of the agrarian elite of the state of Minas Gerais.It was initially controlled by politicians of the Sul de Minas until Artur Bernardes...

    ; Former Brazilian political party of the República Velha.


  • Poisson random measure
  • Probabilistic relational model
    Probabilistic relational model
    A Probabilistic relational model is the counterpart of a Bayesian network in statistical relational learning.-References:*Friedman N, Getoor L, Koller D, Pfeffer A....

  • Probabilistic Roadmap Method
    Probabilistic Roadmap Method
    The probabilistic roadmap planner is a motion planning algorithm in robotics, which solves the problem of determining a path between a starting configuration of the robot and a goal configuration while avoiding collisions....


  • People with Reduced Mobility
  • Professional Relationship Management advanced online CRM system & sales tool by purePRM, LLC.
  • Primidone
    Primidone is an anticonvulsant of the pyrimidinedione class, the active metabolites of which, phenobarbital and phenylethylmalonamide , are also anticonvulsants...

  • Precision Runway Monitor
    Precision Runway Monitor
    In aviation, Precision Runway Monitor System is a high-speed, high-precision radar system developed by Raytheon for use in monitoring simultaneous close parallel instrument approaches to airports...

     (PRM) system by Raytheon Corp. for FAA
  • Popular Resistance Movement in the Land of the Two Migrations
  • Primedia Inc.
  • ACI Proactive Risk Manager
  • Professional Risk Manager
  • Prospect Relationship Management (Sales force automation tool)
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