Oxford City Council election, 2010

Oxford local elections
Oxford local elections for the Oxford City Council in Oxford, England, take place every two years when half of the 48 seats in the City Council are up for election. Elections are held in even-numbered years; the next is due to take place in 2012...

 for Oxford City Council
Oxford City Council
The Oxford City Council provides local government for the city of Oxford in England.- Overview :Between the 2004 local elections, and 2010 the council was in minority administration, first by councillors from the Labour Party, with the Liberal Democrats being the official opposition...

were held on Thursday 6 May 2010. As Oxford City Council is elected by halves, one seat in each of the 24 wards was up for election.

Labour gained 2 seats (Barton and Sandhills ward from the Liberal Democrats and Northfield Brook ward from the Independent Working Class Association), the Liberal Democrats also gained two seats (Carfax and St Clement's ward, both from the Green Party). As a result of this election, Labour gained control of the city council, with 25 out of 48 seats.

A general election was held on the same day, which accounts for the higher turnout (61.7%).

Election results

Note: one Independent is standing in 2010, compared with three in 2008 and two in 2006. No candidates representing the Independent Working Class Association
Independent Working Class Association
The Independent Working Class Association is a minor working-class political party in the United Kingdom that aims to promote the political and economic interests of the working class, regardless of the consequences to existing political and economic structures...

 are standing in this election. No UKIP candidates were standing in 2008.

This result has the following consequences for the total number of seats on the Council after the elections:
Party Previous council Staying councillors Seats up for election Election result New council
Labour 23 12 11 13 25
Liberal Democrats 16 8 8 9 17
Green 7 3 4 2 5
Independent Working Class 2 1 1 0 1
Conservatives 0 0 0 0 0
UKIP 0 0 0 0 0
Independent 0 0 0 0 0
Total 48 24 24 24 48

Results by ward

Note: Gains and holds of wards are noted with respect to the 2006 council election (or a by-election of the same seat). Percentage changes are given with respect to the 2008 council election (or the latest by-election).

Turnout figures are the sum of the votes for each candidate only and do not yet include rejected ballots. These numbers will be included in the sum when available.

Barton and Sandhills

Blackbird Leys




Note that Shah Khan won the Cowley seat in the 2006 elections for the Liberal Democrats, but crossed the floor to Labour in 2007. So when comparing to the 2006 elections, Labour gain from Liberal Democrats.

Cowley Marsh


Headington Hill and Northway

Note: ±% figures are calculated with respect to the results of the by-election of 26 March 2009.

Hinksey Park


Note: ±% figures are calculated with respect to the results of the by-election of 12 June 2008.

Iffley Fields

Jericho and Osney


Lye Valley



Northfield Brook

Quarry and Risinghurst

Rose Hill and Iffley

St. Clement's

St. Margaret's

St. Mary's



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