Ninkeberry is a mango-and-passionfruit flavoured beer
Beer is the world's most widely consumed andprobably oldest alcoholic beverage; it is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. It is produced by the brewing and fermentation of sugars, mainly derived from malted cereal grains, most commonly malted barley and malted wheat...

, from Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

. One prominent producer is Floris
Huyghe Brewery
Huyghe Brewery is a brewery founded in 1906 in Belgium by Leon Huyghe in city of Melle in East Flanders. The site of the brewery has been in operation since 1654. However, the brewery has been modernized and expanded on several occasions since the founding of Huyghe...

. The Floris Ninkeberry is bassed on a wheat beer
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