New Organizing Institute
The New Organizing Institute is an organization that provides trainings, technology, and voting information to political organizers. The organization also hosts RootsCamp, an annual unconference
An unconference is a participant-driven meeting. The term "unconference" has been applied, or self-applied, to a wide range of gatherings that try to avoid one or more aspects of a conventional conference, such as high fees, sponsored presentations, and top-down organization...

. It was founded by Zack Exley
Zack Exley
Zack Exley is a political and technology consultant, currently employed as the Chief Community Officer at the Wikimedia Foundation and previously from ThoughtWorks, a global IT consultancy...

 and Judith Freeman
Judith Freeman
Judith Freeman is the co-founder and executive director of the New Organizing Institute, or NOI. She worked on the internet operations of the 2004 John Kerry presidential campaign and has served on the new media team of Barack Obama.-Biography:...

. The organization was called the "west point for organizers" in a recent article.
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