Necroscope II: Wamphyri
Necroscope II: Wamphyri! is the second book in the Necroscope series
Necroscope (series)
Necroscope is the title of a series of horror novels by British author Brian Lumley.The term necroscope, as defined in the series, describes someone who can communicate with the dead...

 by British writer Brian Lumley
Brian Lumley
Brian Lumley is an English horror fiction writer.Born in County Durham, he joined the British Army's Royal Military Police and wrote stories in his spare time before retiring with the rank of Warrant Officer Class 1 in 1980 and becoming a professional writer.He added to H. P...

. It was released in 1988.


The spirit
The English word spirit has many differing meanings and connotations, most of them relating to a non-corporeal substance contrasted with the material body.The spirit of a living thing usually refers to or explains its consciousness.The notions of a person's "spirit" and "soul" often also overlap,...

 of Harry Keogh now resides in his son, Harry Jr. When his infant
A newborn or baby is the very young offspring of a human or other mammal. A newborn is an infant who is within hours, days, or up to a few weeks from birth. In medical contexts, newborn or neonate refers to an infant in the first 28 days after birth...

 son sleeps, Harry can roam the Continuum and speak to the dead, but is gradually losing his control as the son "reels" his father's spirit back in.

Roaming in his spare time, Harry discovers that Thibor had infected
An infection is the colonization of a host organism by parasite species. Infecting parasites seek to use the host's resources to reproduce, often resulting in disease...

 a pregnant woman with a small part of his flesh, which results in a lesser breed of vampire, albeit a still formidable one. This youth, Yulian Bodescu, retains many vampire abilities: hypnotism, increased lust, bodily transformation, regeneration, and creating thralls (lesser vampires that are infected with a shed body part of the master vampire).

Harry eventually contacts Faethor Ferenczy, a master manipulator (as all vampires are), who was not ready to die but was forced to when he was pinned beneath an unmovable column. When Faethor died, a small worm like (leech
Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. Like other oligochaetes such as earthworms, leeches share a clitellum and are hermaphrodites. Nevertheless, they differ from other oligochaetes in significant ways...

) creature left his body, which was also killed. Talking to Faethor, Harry discovers that the creature is the "true" vampire and source of the Wamphyri power, longevity
The word "longevity" is sometimes used as a synonym for "life expectancy" in demography or known as "long life", especially when it concerns someone or something lasting longer than expected ....

, and when the two beings are merged, they are Wamphyri
Wamphyri are a form of vampire described by Brian Lumley in his Necroscope series.Lumley has reinterpreted the traditional vampire legend. In his stories, a vampire is a leech-like parasite from an alien world which forms a symbiotic relationship with a host creature, usually a human or sometimes a...


Faethor tells Harry about Thibor, who was a mighty warrior
A warrior is a person skilled in combat or warfare, especially within the context of a tribal or clan-based society that recognizes a separate warrior class.-Warrior classes in tribal culture:...

 centuries prior, and how he infected Thibor with his sole wamphyric egg. Thibor was to watch over Faethor's castle
A castle is a type of fortified structure built in Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages by European nobility. Scholars debate the scope of the word castle, but usually consider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord or noble...

 and servants while gone, but after disobeying him, Faethor had him chained underneath the earth (leading to the events of the prior book).

Yulian is creating thralls out of his family, and Thibor uses telepathy to tell him that Harry Jr. is a great enemy. Yulian sets out to kill the infant
A newborn or baby is the very young offspring of a human or other mammal. A newborn is an infant who is within hours, days, or up to a few weeks from birth. In medical contexts, newborn or neonate refers to an infant in the first 28 days after birth...

, and Harry informs E-Branch that Thibor has a piece of dead skin left behind, which could be used to further Yulian's mutation
In molecular biology and genetics, mutations are changes in a genomic sequence: the DNA sequence of a cell's genome or the DNA or RNA sequence of a virus. They can be defined as sudden and spontaneous changes in the cell. Mutations are caused by radiation, viruses, transposons and mutagenic...

. E-Branch teams up with the current Russian head to destroy Thibor's remains and a "finger mutation" left behind in Castle Ferenczy.

After destroying the remains of Thibor, Alec Kyle is captured by rogue Russian agents believing him to be a spy. With the assistance of Zek Foener they mindwipe
For the Transformers character, see Mindwipe .Mindwipe is a technique used in some science fiction scenarios, where the subject's memories and personality are erased and replaced by new memories and personality more useful to those who are carrying out the mindwiping, or to their area's...

 him and steal
Steal may refer to:* Theft, the illegal taking of another person's property without that person's freely-given consent* The gaining of a stolen base in baseball...

 his knowledge of British E-Branch and Harry Keogh. Afterwards Zek Foener learns she has been tricked and vows never to use her talents for the Russians again.

As Yulian prepares to murder Harry Jr, the infant, using powers he learned form his fathers mind slips through the Mobius Continuum, to E-Branch HQ with Brenda while the dead rise to slaughter Yulian Bodescu. Before he goes Harry Jr. releases his fathers consciousness, which is drawn to inhabit the now mindless body of Alec Kyle. Enraged at what the Russians have done to Alec Kyle, Harry destroys the Russian HQ once more.

It is unclear at the end of the Novel whether Yulian would have developed into "FULL" Wamphyri, however such seems likely as he had been able to shapeshift extensively among other talents that lesser vampires seldom possess to any great extent.

External links

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