National Lampoon The Up Yourself Book
National Lampoon The Up Yourself Book was an American humor book that was published on January 1st 1977. Although it appears to be a book, this was in fact a "special edition" of National Lampoon magazine, and as such it was sold in newsstands along with the regular monthly issue of the magazine. It is a parody of self-help book
Self-help book
Self-help books are books written with the stated intention to instruct any readers on a number of personal problems. They take their name from Self-Help, the Victorian best-seller, but are also known and classified under "self-improvement", a term that is a modernized version of self-help...


The book was conceived and edited by Gerald Sussman, although the cover claims the book was written by "PETER AND PEGGY POPE, PH Ds" and gives it the subtitle "SEARCHING FOR THE WAY TO BE A BETTER YOU UNTIL YOU DIE". The cover was drawn in a naive style and shows a couple driving a red Mercedes
Mercedes is a girl's name of Spanish origin, referring to a title for the Virgin Mary, "Our Lady of Mercy". The word may also refer to:Automobile-related...

down a road towards a setting sun which is a visual pun referring to self-absorption.
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